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dc.contributor.authorFakhruddin, Iwan
dc.identifier.citationAmir Mualim, 2003. “Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Syariah”, 96 Al Mawarid Edisi X Imamudin Yuliadi, 2001. “Ekonomi Syariah Sebuah Pengantar”, Yogyakarta: LPPI. M. Rusli Karim (Editor),1992. ” Berbagai Aspek Ekonomi Syariah”. P3EI UII Yogyakarta: PT.Tiara Wacana Muhsin Hariyanto, 2012. “Hybrid Contract dalam Keuangan Syariah”,, diakses 6 Juni 2014 Jazim Hamidi, Siti Hamidah, Sukarmi, Sihabuddin, Lucky Hendrawati, Adi Kusumaningrum, 2014. “Persepsi Dan Sikap Masyarakat Santri Di Jawa Timur Terhadap Lembaga Keuangans Syariah”. keuangan.../8a93f28.., diakses 7 Juni 2014 Majelis Ulama Indonesia, 2006. “Himpunan Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional MUI”, CV. Gaung Persada. Majalah Sharing, Edisi 72, Thn VII, Desember 2012, “Lampiran Outlook Perbankan Syariah 2012”, Diakses 5 Juni 2014, diakses 4 Juni 2014., diakses 4 Juni 2014. 2013. ”Masih Adakah Riba dalam Lembaga Keuangan”. diakses 6 Juni 2014.en_US
dc.description.abstractIslamic financial institutions is one form of implementation of Islamic finance and banking as well as including the worship muamalah which has the goal of helping each other. Islamic financial institutions are non-profit oriented institutions. During its development, the growth of financial institutions have not been followed quantitatively by the application of Sharia are the main objectives of Islamic economics. Islamic financial institutions today are likely as financial institutions with business objectives to achieve profitability. The development of Islamic financial institutions are experiencing very rapid progress and face the challenges of an increasingly complex products should not simply modify the Islamic financial institutions, which in turn tends to simply replace the conventional product terms away from sharia. Modification of sharia products are usually spelled out in multi-contract/ hybrid contracten_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectislamic economicsen_US
dc.subjectislamic financial institutionsen_US
dc.subjecthybrid contracten_US
dc.titleMenyariahkan Lembaga Keuangan Syariahen_US

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