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dc.contributor.authorKristanto, Ari Budi
dc.contributor.authorAndreas, Hananto
dc.identifier.citationDick, B. (2002). Action research: Action and research Accessed on Feb 3, 2007 De Soto H. 2000. The Mystery of Capital : Why capitalism triumph in the west and fail everywhere else, Basic Book. Emory, C. William and Donald R.Cooper,1991. Business Research Methods. Fourth Edition. Richard D. Irwin, Inc Garavan, T.,Ocinneide,B., and Fleming, P. (1997). Entrepreneurship and Business Start-ups in Ireland, Oak Tree Press Mahastanti. L dan Nugrahanti, Yeterina (2010). Peranan Women Co-Entrepreneur dalam pengambangan bisnis (studi kasus pengusaha kerupuk daerah Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang). Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol 14 :1-100. Mahastanti. L dan Nugrahanti, Yeterina (2011).. Myths and realities of Women Entrepreneur Access to Bank Loan. Procceding Internatioal Conference Atmaja Jakarta Marilyn M. Helms, Judy Nixon, 2010. "Exploring SWOT analysis – where are we now?: A review of academic research from the last decade", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 3 Iss: 3, pp.215 – 251 Marshack, K.J.(1993).”copreneur Couples literature review on Boundaries and transition among copreneur” Family Business Review, 6 (4),pp.355-359. Marshall, K (1999). “Working Together – Self employed couples”, statistics Canada Perspectives, pp. 9-13. McNiff, (2002) Action research for professional development. Accessed online Feb 2, 2007 O'Brien, R. (2001). An overview of the methodological approach of action research In Roberto Richardson (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Action Research. João Pessoa, Brazil: Universidade Federal da Paraíba. (English version) Accessed online on Feb. 2, 2007 Porter, M. dan S., Millar. VE. 1985. How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business Review vol July – August.Porter, M. 1990. Competitive Advantage of Nations. Free Press. New York. Situmorang.,J. 2008. Strategi UKM dalam menghadapai kondisi Usaha yang tidak Kondusif, Infokop vol 16, hal 88-101. Tambunan,.T. 2002. Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Indonesia : Beberapa Isu Penting, Salemba Jakartaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe development of Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs ) in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly, but a lot of managerial issues often faced by SMEs in their business . The research results stated that the lack of long-term planning and strategic thinking in business are the major contribution of their business’ slow growth. To help the SMEs become more competitive, value chain approach can be employed to make upgrading strategy. This study uses a case study in Abon Lele industry in Boyolali, where women have a vital role as a women entrepreneur in the entire business process. Abon Lele Boyolali industry is also facing the same problem as that faced by other SMEs. This makes it difficult to develop their business. The use of a value chain approach can explain the whole production activities, so that the optimal solution can be made. The upgrading strategy also performed by SWOT analysis. The research result showed that the increase in business competitiveness Abon Lele Boyolali can be done through product innovation, product image promotion, strengthening of the entrepreneurial spirit and market extension. These are expected to improve the welfare of businesses in the industry Boyolali shredded catfish.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectvalue chainen_US
dc.titleDari Ibu Rumah Tangga Menjadi Wanita Pengusaha : Hambatan dan Tantangan dalam Menjalankan Usaha di Sepanjang Hulu Hilir Proses Produksien_US

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