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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to describe the characteristic of teachers’ teaching skill and responsibility problem of Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu. The focuses in these researches are: 1) how is the characteristic of teachers’ teaching skills in Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu, 2) how is the characteristic of teachers’ responsibility problem in Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu. Research sites in Islamic Boarding School of Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu Pati. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic research strategy. The collection of data is obtained through observation, depth interviews, and study documentation. Related to the characteristic of teachers’ teaching skill and responsibility problem, researcher obtained data from the principal, vice principal, teachers and students. Others are also obtained from teaching and learning activities and various documents related to the focus of research. The findings of the study show that; teaching skill has not been totally implied in teaching and learning process by the teachers of Islamic Junior High School Al-Huda Tayu. There are still many obstacles to apply in teaching and learning process. However, both teachers and students attempt to increase their teaching and learning process better. Related to teachers’ responsibility problem shows that most of the teachers not only transfer their knowledge but also guide students solve their problem, as an counselor. Students dare to consult their problem, complain or their respond. Based on this study, the researchers propose two recommendations. First, Teaching skill is the teachers capability to create conducive teaching and learning atmosphere and as the control during the teaching and learning process. Responsibility problem is teachers’ capability to conduct the problem which requires teachers’ sense, wise, and patience. If there is a good respond to students’ problems about their difficulties, complain, and their respond will create dynamic teaching and learning where students feel enjoy and comfort during the process of teaching and learning. So each teacher must have the both skills, teaching skill and responsibility problem to conduct more dynamic teaching and learning.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectTeaching skillen_US
dc.subjectresponsibility problemen_US
dc.subjectdynamic teaching-learningen_US
dc.titleTeaching Skill dan Responsibility Problem(Studi Situs di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Perguruan Islam Al-Huda PIA Tayu Pati)en_US

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