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dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Fredy
dc.identifier.citationCynthia V. L. 2010. Ward. Retention of Community College Students: Related Student And Institutional Characteristics. J. College Student Retention. Vol. 9(4) 505-517 Choon Ling Kwek. 2010. Education Quality Process Model and Its Influence on Students’ Perceived Service Quality. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 5, No. 8 : 154 - 165 J. Paul Grayson. 2010. Racial Origin And Student Retention In A Canadian University. Higher Education 36: 323–352 Kwek Choon Ling. 2010. The Impact Of Resource Input Model Of Education Quality On The Overall Students’ Perceived Service Quality. Canadian Social Science. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2010, pp. 125-144en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study are: (1) to determine the characteristics of academic administrative (2) to know the description of academic and administrative services and the student resistances. The study is a descriptive qualitative. It is conducted at the Computer Control Engineering Program of Polytechnic Madiun. The respondents in this study are the Chairman, staff, and students of Computer Control Engineering Program. The main data collection tools by means of interviews and documentation. It was developed by the researcher himself and validity tested by triangulation techniques. The results of this study concluded: 1) control program engineering studies led by the chief together with the secretary program, and assisted by the administrative staff. The academic administrations are student planning card, attendance list, class scheduling, semester reporting, the final semester result reporting, and final project schedule, 2) generally the academic ad- ministrative services do not fulfill the students satisfactory, such as administrative room less extensive, administrative officer less responsive in providing some services and not in line with a predetermined schedule, but the level of student resistance remains high.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectquality of serviceen_US
dc.subjectadministration of academicen_US
dc.titleKualitas Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik dan Resistensi Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Komputer Kontrol Politeknik Madiunen_US

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