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dc.identifier.citationDaulay, Haidar P., (2001), Historisitas dan Eksistensi Pesantren Sekolah dan Madrasah , Tiara Wacana, Yogyakarta. Dhofier, Zamakhsyari, (1984), Tradisi Pesantren, Studi tentang Pandangan Hidup Kyai , LP3ES, Jakarta Muhadjir, Noeng, (1987), Ilmu Pendidikan dan Perubahan Sosial, Rake Sukasih, Yogyakarta. Mughits, Abdul, (2008) , Kritik Nalalar Fiqh Pesantren, Kencana, Jakarta. Soepono, (2008), Sistem Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Islam dalam Institusi Pesantren , Journal Cendekia, vol. 6 No 2 Juli-Desember PWM Jawa Tengah, 2012, http:/hvww.muhammadiyahjawaten a~ h.orc/ index.php?tj=hal&id=19en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study discusses the readiness of Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding in Solo Raya in preparing cadre to continue Muhammadiyah movement. The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method is a combination of interview, observation and documentation. The findings of this study are that Muhammadiyah Ismamic Boarding in Solo basically been designed to produce a cadre of graduates who have the ability to move Muhammadiyah branch and regional level. Each boarding school has an emphasis and the size of their own about the qualification of cadres prepared. In general, Muhammadiyah boarding school cadres equip with the following qualifications: strengthening faith, tahfid of Al-Qur’an, organization skills, relationship with the leaders, foreign language skills, and qariyah thayiibah.en_US
dc.subjectMuhammadiyah Islamic boardingen_US
dc.titleKesiapan Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Se-Solo Raya Menyiapkan Kader Persyarikatan Muhammadiyahen_US

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