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dc.contributor.authorSunaryanto, Lasmono Tri
dc.contributor.authorSasongko, Gatot
dc.contributor.authorYumastuti, Ira
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dc.description.abstractThis study wants to develop the cluster-based food and beverage industry value chain that corresponds to the potential in the regions in Java Economic Corridor. Targeted research: a description of SME development strategies that have been implemented, composed, and can be applied to an SME cluster development strategy of food and beverage, as well as a proven implementation strategy of SME cluster development of food and beverage. To achieve these objectives, implemented descriptive methods, techniques of data collection through surveys, analysis desk, and the FGD. The data will be analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results of study on PT KML and 46 units of food and drink SMEs in Malang shows that the condition of the SME food-beverage cluster is: not formal, and still as the center. As for the condition of the existence of information technology: the majority of SMEs do not have the PC and only 11% who have it, of which only 23% have a PC that has an internet connection, as well as PC ownership is mostly just used for administration, with WORD and EXCEL programs, and only 4% (1 unit SMEs) who use the internet marketing media.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectstrategy developmenten_US
dc.subjectfood and beverage industryen_US
dc.titleBeverages-Food Industry Cluster Development Based on Value Chain in Indonesiaen_US

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