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dc.contributor.authorMintaroem, Karjadi
dc.identifier.citationAccadia, P., Spagnolo, M., 2006. Socio-economic indicators for the Adriatic sea demersal Fisheries In: Proceedings of the Thir- teenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET), July 11–14, 2006. United Kingdom: Portsmoth. Azwar, S. 2004. Reliabilitas dan validitas. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Bavinck, Maarten dan Iris Monnereau. 2007. Assessing the social costs of capture fisheries: an exploratory study. Journal of Social Science Information vol 46: 135–152. Caddy,J.F. 2004. Deciding on precautionary management measures for a stock based on a suite of limit reference points (LRPs) as a basis for a multi-LRP harvest law. NAFO Sci. Couns. Studies vol 32: 55–68. Caddy, J.F. E Wade. T Suretter., M. Hebert, M. Moriyasu. 2005. Using an empirical traffic light procedure for monitoring and forcesting in the Gulf of St. Lawrence fishery for the snow crab. Journal of Fisheries Research vol 76: 123–145. Ceriola, L, Accadia P., Mannini P., Massa F dan N Ungaro. 2008. A bio economic indicator suite for the appraisal of the demersal trawl fishery. Journal of Fisheries Research Vol 92: 255-267. Fauzi, Akhmad. 2006. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1999. Indicators for sustainable development of marine capture fisheries. FAO Tech. Guidel. Responsible Fish. 8, 68., Gelman, Andrew., Jhon B. Carlin., Hal S. Stren dan Donald B Rubin., 2004. Bayesian Data Analysis Second Edition. Florida: Chapman dan Hall/CRC Inc. Kusnadi, 2002. Konflik Sosial Nelayan, Kemiskinan dan Perebutan Sumberdaya Perikanan. Yogyakarta: LkiS. Marasco, R.J., Goodman, D., Grimes, C.B., Lawson, P.W., Punt, A.E., Quinn II, T.J., 2007. Ecosystem-based fisheries management: some practical suggestions. Can. J. Fish.Aquat. Sci. 64, 1–12. Zainuddin, M. 2004. Metodologi penelitian. (tidak diterbitkan). Surabaya: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga Zhang, C.I, Seung, C.I. 2008. Socioeconomic Indicators used in Ecosystem-Based Assessment for Eastern Bering Sea trawl fishery. The PKNU Fisheries Science Institute Report, pp. 35.. Zhang, C.I, Kim, S., Gunderson, D., Marasco, R. 2009, An ecosystem-based fisheries assessment approach for Korean fisheries. Journal of Fisheries Research. Vol.100, 26– 41.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we developed several socio-economic indicators to be combined with biological and ecological indicators, which will be used to conduct an assessment/evaluation of ecosystem-based fisheries management fisheries. Socio-economic indicators that we developed consists of five socio-economic criteria which is considered as an important attribute of the process in a changing socio-economic structure. The fifth indicator is; production economics, business conditions, income levels, market conditions, and the level of employment. In establishing key indicators above, we first create a reference point for the evaluation of the indicators comprising, reference points, targets and limit reference points established through comparisons with other industries or other fish. So from the results penetapatan reference point, this study will apply the indicators that have been developed on marine fisheries catch in Lamongan district, so that the final results of this study will show how the management of marine fisheries in Lamongan we can discuss togetheren_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectecosystem-based fisheries managementen_US
dc.subjectkey indicatorsen_US
dc.subjectfisheries policyen_US
dc.titleKey Indicators' Socio-Economic Development of Marine Capture Fisheriesen_US

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