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dc.description.abstract | Economic growth and its process are the main condition for the sustainability of the regional
economic development. Because of the continuing population growth means economic needs
also increase so that additional revenue required each year. This can be obtained by the
increase in aggregate output (goods and services) or the Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP) each year. To carry out development with limited resources as a consequence should
be focused to develop the sectors that provide great multiplier effect on other sectors or the
whole economy. This research is focused to determine the regional leading sector of Bone
Bolango as the information and considerations in planning economic development. Location
Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share are tools of analysis. Location Quotient analysis indicates
agriculture, manufacture, finance, leasing and corporate services are base sectors in the Bone
Bolango district. Shift Share analysis indicates that the competitive sectors are finance, leasing
and corporate services. The results of the analysis based on three analysis tools indicate that
the leading sector with the criteria developed, base, and competitive is finance and services
sector. | en_US |