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dc.contributor.authorHardi, Richki
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dc.description.abstractoptimization problem to find the shortest way for shipping companies wishing to deliver goods to a number of cities and return to the original departure city is highly expected to be applied, because in addition to saving energy can also save on the budget. in that case it takes the appropriate algorithms and methods to solve them. several methods have been used to resolve the issue but so far have not found a reliable algorithm to solve it. there are some easy steps that can be applied to the problem is to try all possible routes are available or looking for the best route, and it is the duty of the algorithm traveling sales person problems. in the digital era nowadays, it is necessary that the algorithm can solve the problem quickly in order to obtain a solution that approaches the optimal solution. Traveling salesperson problem algorithm can be used for solving complex and difficult optimization solved by conventional methods.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectTravelling salesperson problemen_US
dc.titleAnalysis and Implementation of graph algorithms method of traveling salesperson problem in Determining the expedition route of delivery packageen_US

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