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dc.contributor.authorKhasanah, Nur
dc.contributor.authorMeimaharani, Rizkysari
dc.contributor.authorListyorini, Tri
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dc.description.abstractThe lack of media support learning, so that learning science nahwu far less effective, less attractive, monotonous, and ultimately make them easily bored if nahwu studied in the form of a text book or a book that is easily torn, scattered or lost. On this basis, the authors conducted a study with the title "Building Educational Games As A Tool-Based Teaching Science Jurumiyah Nahwu Android". The method used is the method of Research and Development. Stages in the research process is the stage of the analysis, design, development, implementation, and testing. With this application, it is expected that the learning sciences jurumiyah nahwu be more interactive, effective, interesting and not boring that comes with the game. By leveraging smartphones or tablets that have android operating system which has been held by most people today is expected that the process of learning science Jurumiyyah Nahwu can still be done everywhere and more flexibleen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectnahwu jurumiyyahen_US
dc.subjectresearch and developmenten_US
dc.titleBuild Educative Game as Tool Teaching Science Nahwu Jurumiyah for Android Baseden_US

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