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dc.contributor.authorHaikal Karana
dc.contributor.authorTambunan, Mangara
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dc.description.abstractHuman has put the major concerns to safety and health in order to minimize adverse effect that resulted from work and work surrounding. Furthermore, manufacturing technology has succeeded to decrease the risk of machinery and work surrounding whichcause bad effect to human. However, this change becomes ineffective when the human have bad behaviour in workplace. Many research have shown that the human error have caused the majority of accident in workplace. This human error resulted from bad behaviour which has been implemented by worker. University as the place to form the behaviour of educated people in the world, has had the responsibility to promote safety and health in workplace. But, the fact describe that the university does not promote safety and health in university surrounding. This was proven by many accidents like fire, body injuries and sick related to work happened in university surrounding. As the result, many educated people who were graduated from university have bad behaviour in workplace. This research was taken in laboratory under industrial engineering department. Laboratory as the place to practice the theory which learned in the class has many potential hazard. Based on the preliminary research, many students did not realize the potential hazard. The methodology of this research is used laboratory as object of research. There are 8 laboratories under industrial engineering where all the assistant will be measured their behaviour.The research focused on general safety and health, ergonomic hazard, mechanical hazard, electrical hazard, extreme temperature hazard, fire hazard, noise and vibration hazard and fall, accelerated object, vision hazard.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectOccupational Safety Healthen_US
dc.subjectStudent Behaviour,en_US
dc.subjectLaboratory assistanten_US
dc.subjectBehaviour Ratingen_US
dc.titleIdentification TheBehaviour of Laboratory Assistant As the Effort To Develop Safety And Health In University (Study Cases In Laboratory Under Industrial Engineering Department, University of North Sumatera)en_US

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