dc.identifier.citation | Arikunto, S., 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek , Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Atkinson, R., 1997. Pengantar Psikologi, Interaksara, Batam. Azwar, S., 2003. Penyusunan Skala Psikologis, Pustaka Mahal, Yogyakarta. Carpenito, L.J., 2000. Buku Saku Diagnosa Keperawatan, EGC. Jakarta. Davis, M., Eshelman, E.R., McKay, M., 1995. Panduan Relaksasi & Reduksi Stres (Terjemahan), Edisi III, EGC. Jakarta. Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1983. Pedoman Rehabilitasi Pasien Mental Rumah Sakit Jiwa di Indonesia. Ditkes. Yankes Depkes RI. Jakarta. Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1998. Pedoman Penggolongan dan Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa di Indonesia (PPDGJ). Edisi III. Dirjen Pelayanan Medis RI. Jakarta. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Background: The complexity and hardly living and the increasing of psychosocial stress maker cause
human disable to prevent the pressure of live. Critical condition brings the effect to the increasing of
mental emotional disease, and one of them of the increasing of schizophrenia. Target of: The progressive
relaxation technique is given to clients of schizophrenia to know the effect of the change of client's mental
status. This research is a qualitative research with experimental research by the scheme of pretestposttest
research with control group. The characteristic of respondents is clients with schizophrenia
hospitality maintenance categorized. There are 16 respondents, research instruments is questionnaire of
mental status value formatted, system of psychological categorized and the standard observation
instrument of relaxation technique. Data analysis by using U Test of Mann-Whitney statistic test. Based on
U Test of Mann-Whitney statistic test is gained significant number P = 0,001 (P < 0,05). It means
that the significant different between before and after giving of relaxation technique between
behavioral group and controlled group. The are differentiation between before and after the giving
of progressive relaxation technique between behavioral group and controlled group on research
respondents. | en_US |