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dc.contributor.authorSusihono, Wahyu
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dc.description.abstractCommunity creative industry based on metal as the raw material recently has been growing rapidly, for example manufacturing of farming equipment such as hoe, sickle, knife, or others household equipment. The capacities of these creative industries are depended on ability of industry in providing raw material and ability in adopting technology. The higher adopting technology, then industry will have much opportunity to compete in global market. Even though these industries have ability to compete in global market, most of these creative industries have not understand about the mapping of technology adoption developed. This condition make them difficult in determining strategy of short term or long term business development. This condition will affect to profit that will be earned.In this research, there will be survey to five metal industries by using questionnaire, those are: (A) Technometric, that is assessment of sophistication of technoware, humanware, inforware, and organware. The weighting of each component is determined by state of the art rating, while normalization and calculation of total contribution are by making map of relation of each component. (B) data compilation of pair weighted comparative, consistency ratio of each respondent, and geometric average calculation. Data processing is using "pairwise comparison" approach. The result shows that Score of five metal industries for Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) Technoware, Humanware, Inforware dan Organware consecutively are: A=0.415; 0.465; 0.41; 0.40, B=0.474; 0.414; 0.41; 0.45, C=0.488; 0.42; 0.38; 0.42, D=0.481; 0.34; 0.37; 0.38, and E=0.479; 0.41; 0.37; 0.37. A industry has excellence in Organware-Inforware, C industry has excellence in Technoware – Humanware – Organware, D Industry has excellence in Technoware, while E industry has excellence in Humanware.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectcoefficient contributionen_US
dc.subjectmetal industryen_US
dc.subjectcreative communityen_US
dc.titleTechnology Assessment To Determine Total Contribution Of Coefficient, Technoware, Humanware, Inforware, And Organware In Metal Industry Of Creative Communityen_US

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