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dc.contributor.authorPujiastuti, Peni
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dc.description.abstractIt has been modeled Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and conducted experiments of wastewater treatment in Kampung Batik Laweyan solo using a model of the WWTP. WWTP consists of three tubs, where number 1 of tub is used to hold unprocessed waste, number 2 is used for coagulation and number 3 is used for the process of sedimentation. Sewage treatment experiment conducted by flowing sewage from number 1 of tub the nember 2. In the number 2 of tub, Chitosan Sulfate added and stirring, after which the sewage flowed into the number 3. Number 3 of tub is a sectional tub so that clots will hit the bulkhead and then a process of sedimentation. The output of the number 3 is the waste that has been processed and then analyzed its COD parameter. The experiments made from the variation of waste flow rate and the speed of affixing chitosan sulfate. Variations in flow rate of the waste that is: 2 L / h, 3 L / h, 4 L / h, 5 L / h and 6 L / h. For each flow rate of the waste created variation rate of addition of chitosan sulfate, that is 50 mg / min, 100 mg / min, 200 mg / min, 300 mg / min and 400 mg / min. For each variation of these experiments determined the percentage reduction in COD. Consider from the waste flow rate, the experimental results showed that the greater of the flow rate causes the smaller of the percentage of COD reduction, where the percentage reduction in COD seen constant starting at a flow rate of waste 3 liter / hour. Consider from the rate of Chitosan Sulfate addition, experimental results show that the faster addition of chitosan sulfate causes percentage reduction in COD greater, where the percentage reduction in COD seen constant starting at a speed addition of Chitosan Sulfate 300 mg / min.It can be concluded that the optimum flow rate of the waste is 3 liters / hour, while the optimum speed of Chitosan Sulfate affixing is 300 mg / min. Keywords: chitosan, chitosan sulfate, coagulation, CODen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectchitosan sulfateen_US
dc.titleStudy of Waster Water Treatment by Laboratory Model of WWTP Through Coagulation Process Using Chitosan Sulphate Viewed from COD Parametersen_US

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