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dc.contributor.authorNadjmi, Nurul
dc.contributor.authorPrayitno, Budi
dc.identifier.citationGlenn, F.R. 1998. PsikologiPariwisata. YayasanObor. Jakarta Gunn, Clare A. 1994. Tourism Planning: Basic, Concepts, Cases. Taylor and Francis. Washington DC Inskeep, Edward. 1991. Tourism Planning an Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach.VanNostrand Reinhold. New York Mathieson, A. and Wall, G. 1982. Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts. Longman, Newyork. Pelupessy, Julia, Prescella. 2011. PengembanganKawasanWisataTerpadu di KecamatanNusaniwe Kota Ambon. Journal PenataanRuang. Sunaryo, Bambang. 2013. Kebijakan Pembangunan DestinasiPariwisataKonsepdanAplikasinya di Indonesia. GavaMedika. Yogyakarta Suwantoro, Gamal. 2004. Dasar-dasarPariwisata. Andi. Yogyakarta.en_US
dc.description.abstractRiau Islands is an archipelago on the island of Sumatera. The area has tourism potential particularly for island tourism. The Islands in this Batam Islands has different characteristics to be used as a tourism destination area, including natural attractions or nautical tourism, religious tourism, shopping tourism, agro tourism, MICE tourism, culinary tourism, sports tourism, and historical tourism. This study focused on the spatial aspect of the pattern islands with various components of tourism destinations in the Riau Islands. As the location is the observation area as an area of tourism destination Batam islands and the surrounding islands. This study aims to determine how the spatial patterns that will be developed in the Riau Islands to support the islands tourism destination so that it can grow even more. This study is a qualitative research approach to direct observation. The theory of the background of this research is the theory of spatial patterns of tourism destinations, archipelascape, and the theory of networks across the island. The conclusion suggests that the spatial models in Batam Islands strongly support the development of the region as a tourism destination area islands.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectSpatial Patternsen_US
dc.subjectTourism Destinationsen_US
dc.titleSpatial Pattern of Tourist Destination Island in Riau Islandsen_US

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