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dc.contributor.authorAsikin, Damayanti
dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Agung Murti
dc.contributor.authorHasyim, A. Wahid
dc.identifier.citation[1] T.-C. Liu, G.-S. Shyu, W.-T. Fang, S.-Y. Liu, B.-Y. Cheng, Drought tolerance and thermal effect measurements for plants suitable for extensive green roof planting in humid subtropical climates, Energy and Buildings 47; 2012. 180–188 [2] Lin HT. Green architecture. Taipei, Taiwan: Chansbook Published; 2006. pp. 16-19 [3] Edward Ng, Liang Chen, Yingna Wang, Chao Yuan. A study on the cooling effects of greening in a highdensity city: An experience from Hong Kong, Building and Environment 47; 2012. 256-271 [4] Wise S, Braden J, Ghalayini D, Grant J, Kloss C, MacMullan E, et al. Integrating valuation methods to recognize green infrastructure’s multiple benefits. In: Low impact development: redefining water in the city, San Francisco, California, Vol 367; 2010. p. 98., [5] Currie BA, Bass B. Estimate of air pollution mitigation with green plants and green roofs using the UFORE model. In: Proceedings of third annual greening rooftops for sustainable Communities Conference, Awards and Trade show, Washington, DC, May 4e6, 2005; 2005. [6] Yang J, Yu Q, Gong P. Quantifying air pollution removal by green roofs in Chicago. Atmos Environ 2008; 42(31):7266e73en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on the passive cooling effect of herbal garden application in increasing thermal environment of modern house in hot humid climate. The study focused on horizontal gardern gap and vegetable plant type modification. The methodology was developed and applied using field measurement on indoor and outdoor. In increasing thermal environment, its impact, higher levels of horizontal garden gap (distance from house facade) produced the indoor air temperature reduction. Further, several modifications were found to produce a potential building cooling load reduction of up to 5°C by the use iresine herbstii hook (bayam merah). In fact, the optimum improvement of both outdoor and indoor environment was influenced by two major horizontal garden factors, namely, larger horizontal garden gap and type of herbal plant. Thus, it is suggested that appropriate guidelines, influencing implementation of these improvements could be implemented in order to increase thermal environment in hot humid climate.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectherbal gardenen_US
dc.subjectbuilding passive coolingen_US
dc.titleAn Evaluation Building Passive Cooling Achieved Through Modification of Herbal Garden Configurationen_US

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