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dc.contributor.authorMartina, Angela
dc.contributor.authorNatamihardja, Jessica
dc.contributor.authorWitono, Judy Retti
dc.identifier.citation[1] Bertolini, A. C. 2010.Starches: Characterization, Properties, and Applications. CRC Press. Boca Raton [2] Detduangchan, N., Sridach, W., dan Wittaya, T. 2014. Enhancement Of The Properties Of Biodegradable Rice Starch Films By Using Chemical Crosslinking Agents. International Food Research Journal.21(3):1225-1235. [3] Hedge, J.E. dan Hofreiter, B.T. 1962. Carbohydrate Chemistry. Academic Press, New York. [4] Lim, S. dan Seib, P. A. 1993.Preparation and Pasting Properties of Wheat and Corn Starch Phosphates.Cereal Chem. 70(2):137-144. [5] Meliana. 2010. Sintesa dan Karakterisasi Cross-linking Pati Singkong. Skripsi.Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung. [6] Nurdjanah, S., Susilawati, dan Sabatini, M. R. 2007. Prediksi Kadar Pati Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta) Pada Berbagai Umur Panen Menggunakan Penetrometer. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Hasil Pertanian.12. (2): 65-73. [7] Sachitraa, R., MadhanMohan, M., dan Vijayachitra, S. 2013. Quantitative Analysis Of Tapioca Starch Using FTIR Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares. International Journal of Computer Applications:29-33 [8] Sudrajat, G. 2007. Sifat Fisik dan Organoleptik Bakso Daging Sapi dan Daging Kerbau Dengan Penambahan Karagenan dan Khitosan.Skripsi.Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor.en_US
dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractThe awareness of healthy eating has led the food industry to produce healthier version of customers’ favorite snacks. Meatballs are one of the favorite snacks that are easy to get. To produce a healthier version meatball, the tapioca starch that usually used in the meatball dough has to be substituted with modified starch to make it low fat. The modified starch was phosphorylated for 1 hour at pH 11 under certain temperature [25oC and 40oC] with various ratio of the reagents [STMP:STPP= 0% :100%; 20% :80%; 30% :70%; 40% :60%; and 50% :50%].Phosphorylated starch with ratio of the reagents STMP:STPP = 20% :80% under 40oC resulting the highest degree of substitution. The distarch phosphate group found at 1000 nm. The texture characteristic of meatball using phosphorylated starch with ratio of the reagents STMP:STPP = 0% :100% under 25oC resulting the closest characteristic compared to commercial meatballs. Flavor, aroma, and texture of meatballswere accepted by the panelists.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjecttapioca starchen_US
dc.subjectfat replaceren_US
dc.titleSubstitusi Pati Dalam Pembuatan Bakso Dengan Pati Singkong Termodifikasi (Secara Fosforilasi)en_US

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