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dc.contributor.authorSubadi, Tjipto
dc.contributor.authorSutarni, Sri
dc.identifier.citationBerger, P. and T. Luckman. 1967. The Social Construction of Reality. London. Allen Lane. Chakhshi, Sonal, Clea Fernandes. 2004. Cellenger to Importing Japanes Lesson Study. Bloomington Concerns, Miscoseptions, and Nuancen. ------------ . 2005. Reaping the Systemic Benefits of Lesson Study Bloomington: Insights from the U.S. Vol 86. Lewis, Catherine C. 2002. Lesson study: A Handbook of Teacher-Led Instructional Change. Philadelphia, PA: Research for Better Schools, Inc. Lewis Catherine C. 2004 Does Lesson Study Have a Future in the United States? Online: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Miles, B.M., Michael, H. 1992. Qualitative Data Analisys.Jakarta: UI Press Saito. E. 2006. Development of school based in-service teacher training under the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Project. Improving Schools. Vol.9 (1): 47-59 Subadi. T,. Samino (2009. 2010, 2011). Pengembangan Model Peningkatan Kualitas Guru Melalui Pelatihan Lesson Study Bagi Guru SD Se-Karesidenan Surakarta Tahun I (Laporan Penelitian di Publikasikan di Perpustakaan Pusat UMS). Subadi T,. 2009. Pengembangan Model Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru Melalui Pelatihan Lesson Study di Sekolah Dasar Kota Surakarta. Jurnal Sekolah Dasar Kajian Teori dan Praktik Pendidikan. Tahun 18. Nomor 2 November 2009. ISSN 0854-8285. Malang: UN Malang. Subadi.T,. Sutarni S., Rita P. Kh.. 2012. Medel Pembinaan Pendidik Profesional (Suatau Penelitian dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study pada Guru-Guru Sekolah Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo Tahun I (Laporan Penelitian Dipublikasikan di Perpustakaan Pusat UMS). Tim LS. 2011. Laporan Pelaksanaan Program Perluasan Lesson Study Untuk Penguatan LPTK pada Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UMS. Surakarta: FKIP UMS (Asrip Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Biologi, tidak dipublikasikan). Tim LS. 2012. Laporan Pelaksanaan Program Perluasan Lesson Study Untuk Penguatan LPTK pada Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UMS. Surakarta: FKIP UMS (Asrip Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Biologi, tidak dipublikasikan). Tim LS. 2013. Laporan Pelaksanaan Program Perluasan Lesson Study Untuk Penguatan LPTK pada Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UMS. Surakarta: FKIP UMS (Asrip Prodi Pendidikan Matematika dan Biologi, tidak dipublikasikan)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to analyze and describe a model of the lecturers’ understanding development of lesson study, lesson study-based learning quality, and the students’ high cognitive learning capacity. It used a qualitative-phenomenology approach with its paradigm of micro analysis social definition. It was located at LPTK (FKIP-UMS), Natural Science Department. The informants included the heads of University, dean, study program, and lecturers of UMS. The data collection method employed the observation, questionnaires, in-depth interview with the fist order understanding and second order understanding theories. The data analysis applied an interactive model: data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification. It could be concluded that a model of the lecturers’ understanding development of lesson study was giving workshop and training; a model of lesson study-based learning quality used an accompaniment of a lesson-study learning process and internal and external monitoring and evaluation as well as seminar, and a model of the students’ high cognitive learning capacity employed the PAKKEM, collegial-tutorial learning, students’ learning readiness, learning model, IT-based media, and assessment development instruments.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectlesson studyen_US
dc.titleModel Pembinaan Dosen Berbasis Program Perluasan Lesson Study untuk Penguatan Proses Pembelajaran di LPTK FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US

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