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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Fitri Puji
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Ratnasari Diah
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dc.description.abstractThis research is aimed at finding the model of strengthening the character education in the dweller Elementary School students with Javanese cultural background. Specific objectives for the 2 nd year are to formulate active and fun model of character education in the dweller of Elementary School students with Javanese cultural background, and then try out the active and fun model of character education in the dweller of Elementary School students with Javanese cultural background. The research method that will be developed in the 2 year is that the method of collecting data is with FGD that involved teachers, headmaster, school committee, and students parents. The collected data are analyzed by using heuristic model. The results of the research show that: 1. The strengths and the weaknesses of the character education in elementary school had been done are that the teachers and schools had tried to give character strengthening programs, such as: extra-curricula program, books monitoring; fun, active, creative, innovative learning program, and routine religious activities. But these activities have the weakness that is the lack of knowledge of the teachers to be innovative. 2. The expectations of the stakeholders toward the character education which is developed in elementary school are: a. Character education can strengthening the students faith, moral, and aqidah. b. Character education can strengthen teaching and guiding students, and enriching the level of using Information, knowledge, technology, and communication, language, sport, and nation’s culture. c. Character education is not only the responsibility of school but also family. d. Television program may expose the program that educate and give good example for children. 3. There are 10 models of the implementation of “Berkat Anang” model in school, they are: a. sharing experiences, b. turn-talking lottery, c. picture synthesizing, d. discourse summary, e. my ate, f. amazing debate, g. mad puzzle, h. song composition, i. secrete letter, j. question auction. 4. The strengths of “Berkat Anang” are: a. arousing the character of willingness to self expression, b. arousing the character of being active in learning, c. Learning with no burden so the students feel fun, d. Learning is not monotonous, it is more impressive, e. the students are getting more enthusiastic in learning, f. the students are motivated to earn and dig the knowledge by themselves. nden_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectcharacter educationen_US
dc.subject“berkat Anang”en_US
dc.subjectlearning modelen_US
dc.titlePenguatan Pendidikan Karakter melalui Model pembelajaran "Berkat Anang" di Sekolah Dasaren_US

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