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dc.contributor.authorChalimah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorHastuti, Noni Tri
dc.identifier.citationAmin, Nur. 2008. Cake Labu sebagai Alternatif Menu Sarapan yang Lezat dan Bergizi. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor. Badawi, Ayman M; Nadia A. El-tablawy; Nahed S. Bassily; Sami A. El-Behairy. 2005. Stevioside as a law caloric Sweetener to Milky Drink and Its Protective Role against Oxidative Stress In Diabetic Rats. Egypt: The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol., 20: 163-176. Buchori, L 2007. Pembuatan Gula Non Karsiogenik Non Kalori dari Daun Stevia. Jurnal UNDIP. Reaktor, Vol.11 No.2, Desember 2007, Hal: 57-60. Anonimus Dirjen P2PL. Dirjen Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan , Data penderit Diabetis militus dan penyebab penyakit DM. Dirjen P2PL. Jakarta Kalpana, M; M. Anbazhagan; V. Natarajan. 2009. Utilization of Liquid Medium For Rapid Micropropagation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. India: Journal of Ecobiotechnology 1/1: 016-020. Sastradi, Trisna. 2013. Pemanfaatan Daun Stevia Sebagai Pencegah Diabetes Militus. Diakses 26 September 2013. Ayu Rachmaningtyas. (2013). Jumlah penderita diabetes di Indonesia masuk7 dunia., diakses Senin, 12 Januari 2015, pukul 15.00 WIBen_US
dc.description.abstractIndoneisa is the 7th country with the highest prevalence of diabetes, following China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia and Mexico, "said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (DG P2PL), then said, causes one of which is a diet, or lifestyle , in addition to genetic factors. Seaweed snack add Cucurbita moschata is a food that is rich in vitamins A, B, C, minerals, Carbohidrat, and Fruit contains of antioxidants as an antidote to the various types of cancer. seaweed snack Cucurbita moschata has a soft texture and sweet flavor that can be made as a food that has a source of nutrition for health that is made pudding. The purpose of this study was (1) determine the effect of stevia leaves to glucose and vitamin C pudding seaweed snack Cucurbita moschata (2) know the difference organoleptic test and power thinks pudding a natural sweetener stevia leaf. (3). Knowing the different test analysis results between treatments. Experimental data collection methods, used completely randomized design (CRD) 1 factor, namely the concentration of stevia leaf extract using the 4 treatments (0, 10, 20 and 30 ml) with the addition of a mixture of 4 g sugar tropicana as control variables. Testing glucose levels using spectrophotometer methods and levels of vitamin C using iodometric. Analyzed data using one-way ANOVA. The results showed that the concentration of different stevia leaf extract, glucose levels with the value of Fhit 105.77> Ftab (0.05) 3.10, and the levels of vitamin C with a value of 47.44 Fhit> Ftab (0.05) 3, 10 were significantly different (significantly). The highest mean glucose levels pudding treatment S3 (adding stevia leaf extract 30ml) of 14.43% and the lowest glucose levels S0 (without the addition of stevia leaf extract) of 6.73%, the highest vitamin C content pudding S3 (addition of stevia leaf extract 30 ml) of 7.67 mg and the lowest levels of vitamin C S0 (without the addition of stevia leaf extract) of 5.74 mg. Pudding organoleptic test results are most preferred by the panelists, namely, 4 g sugar tropicana treatment (control) which has a sweet taste, aroma fragrant attractive color and chewy texture, whereas treatment orange desirable, because the addition of stevia leaf extract resulted in a slightly bitter taste. Percentage of acceptance panelist 58% preference for pudding. Conclusions natural sweetener stevia leaves less attractive, and less suitable for the manufacture of snack that pudding (Cucurbita moschata)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectSnack Pudding Waluh Cucurbita moschata )en_US
dc.subjectStevia Leafen_US
dc.subjectVitamin Cen_US
dc.titlePudding Agar Waluh (Cucurbita Moschata) Alternatif untuk Penderita Diabetes dengan Pemanis Daun Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana)en_US

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