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dc.description.abstract | Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) providing a supply of calories, vitamins, minerals for human
nutrition. Also the high concentration of anthocyanin and β-carotene in sweet potato, combined
with the high stability of the color extract make it a promising and healthier alternative to
synthetic coloring agents in food systems. Sweet potato is consumed in several ways, mainly
directly with no industrial processing. The most traditional method is simple cooking, consumed
with or without the use of seasoning, substituting bread and other starchy foods. The cooked
and mashed potato sweet is used in the making of conserves and salty dishes such as:
traditional cake, porridge, sweet pies, and also pudding, as the main ingredient or as a partial
substitute for the wheat or agar flour. Pudding is usually a dessert, but it can also be
a savory dish. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is one of the most non caloric natural sweeteners
known to mankind. The dried leaves of stevia contain diterpene glycosides, non-toxic, highpotency
sweeter than sucrose. Agar is derived from the polysaccharide agarose, which forms the
supporting structure in the cell walls of certain species of algae, and which is released on
boiling. In this paper we describe the use of stevia in sweet potato jelly with regard to
evaluating organoleptic. A control of 100% sucrose was made for a comparison along with four
additional variables. The variables consisted of sucrose and stevia 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 0:4. The
five samples were measured and their effects on sensory acceptability of product were
investigated. This work has shown that the average panelists generally responded with a high
level of acceptance for sweet potato jelly containing sucrose and stevia in jelly. | en_US |