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dc.contributor.authorWahyuningtyas, Nurcahyanti
dc.contributor.authorSutrisna, EM
dc.contributor.authorSuhendi, Andi
dc.contributor.authorFrastyowati, Heny
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dc.description.abstractTempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) have been investigated in a single dose can lower uric acid in mice. The purpose of this research investigated the inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity in hyperuricemic mice. Hyperuricemia was induced by intraperitonial injection of 250 mg/kgBW potassium oxonate in mice. Fifteen mice were divided into three equal groups, in group 1 each animal received 0,5 mL/BW water, in group 2 received 10 mg/kgBW allopurinol, and in group 3 received 200 mg/BW tempuyung water extract leaves by oral administration for four days. Liver taken was after 2 hours of administration of potassium oxonate. Data xanthine oxidase activity was tested with Mann-Whitney. The results showed that 200 mg/kg tempuyung leaf extract had inhibition of the xanthine oxidase 70,30%±3,70% (p=0,009) while the allopurinol 90,24%± 0,33% (p=0,009).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjecttempuyung (Sonchus arvensis)en_US
dc.subjectxanthine oxidaseen_US
dc.subjectpotassium oxonateen_US
dc.titleUji Penghambatan Xanthine Oxidase Oleh Ekstrak Daun Tempuyung (Sonchus Arvensis) pada Mencit Hiperurisemiaen_US

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