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dc.contributor.authorKurniati, Titi
dc.contributor.authorFasha, Abdurrahman
dc.identifier.citationKurniati, T., 2000, Analisis Tingkat Kebutuhan Taksi Kota Bandung dengan Teknik Stated Preference. Tesis . Magister Teknik Sipil ITB, Bandung. Pearmain, D.,Swanson, J., Kroes, E., Bradley, M., 1991, Stated Preference Techniques : A Guide to Practice – Second Edition. Steer Davies Gleave and Hague Consulting Group. Sanko, N., 2001. Guidelines for Stated Prefrence experiment design. Dissertation. MBA Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris. Tamin, O.Z., 2000, Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Transportasi. Bandung: Penerbit ITB. Walpole, E. R., 1986. Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuan. Bandung: Penerbit ITB.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe need for long-distance travel by airplane increases as more competitive rates and an increase in income. Location airports are usually located on the outside edge of the city even result in substantial costs needed to reach the airport from the city center using taxi. Limitations of time for users of private vehicles during weekdays when traveling by air service needs resulting in a vehicle storage facility at the airport. This condition is facilitated by providing overnight parking for private cars by the airports managed PT. Angkasa Pura II. This study aims to determine the potential use of overnight parking by making the selection of a utility model between the use of private cars (parked overnight) and the use of taxi services at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM). Modes choice designed with Stated Preference techniques with cost and time attributes with 4 levels of each attribute. Fractional factorial experimental design through a combination of design and eliminating the trivial produce 4 alternative travel conditions. The results of a survey of socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents ie 95% of income above IDR. 5.000.000, - and have a personal car at least 1 unit. Stated Preference data analysis resulted in a model Y = 0,176+ 0,912 X1 + 0,807 X2 - 0,224 X2 2 with R2 = 0.224, where Y is the ratio of utility use of overnight parked private car and use a taxi, X1 and X2 is the ratio of the cost of the trip and the ratio of travel time using overnight parking private car and taxis. Modal choice probability of 4 options offered, probability of choosing overnight parking private car greater than pro-bability choosing taxi ( probability > 0.5 ) for 3 options, and greater probability of choosing a taxi on the fourth option.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectovernight parkingen_US
dc.subjectutility modelsen_US
dc.subjectstated preference design experimentsen_US
dc.titleModelling Choice Between Overnight Parking Private Car and Taxi to Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) by staTe Preference Techniqueen_US

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