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dc.contributor.authorMuhlisin, Abi
dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Winarsih Nur
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Arum
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dc.description.abstractDiabetes mellitus (DM) is highly prevalent and increasing in older persons. Patients with DM usually accompanied by other diseases and persistent signs and symptoms. Diabetes mellitus requiring comprehensive and continuous therapy to control plasma glucose. This study aims to find a model of cognitive therapy in patients with DM in the community and on diabetes selfmanagement. This research was conducted in the community. Sampling technique was purposive. Participants in this study are 20 people with diabetes, aged range 45 to 65 years and literacy. Analysis of the data in this study using the stages of the action research from Baskerville which includes the step of diagnosing, action planning, action taking, and evaluating. Results in diagnosing stage is a total of 20 participants had an average plasma glucose 320 mg/dl, almost all (99.95%) participants perform glucose tests on health personnel and oral medication consume every day. The biggest factor of relapse is caused by emotional and diet. Then the action planning stage of setting up cognitive card that be identified based on the previous stage, there were written that should be done and should not be done by patients with diabetes. Next to the stage of taking action, the researcher gave cognitive card and guide how to utilize it. Evaluating is the last stage, the researcher discovered the advantages, disadvantages and barriers to the implementation of the application of cognitive therapy is then improved it. This study concluded that through action research looks at the process of education in a community group of diabetic patients, self-management and prevention of recurrence. The findings in this research can also be used for other guidelines for applying cognitive therapy in patients with DM and modified in other cases.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectcognitive therapyen_US
dc.subjectdiabetes mellitusen_US
dc.titleModel Terapi Kognitif untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Diabetes Militus di Komunitasen_US

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