Pengaruh Job Satisfaction terhadap OCB dan Turnover Intention
This article aims to provide the impact of job satisfaction to OCB and turnover intention.
This study used a quantitative method with a statistical analysis. Simple analysis regression used
to test each hypotheses. The object of this research is a branch of national bank. Population in this
research are entire employees of a brach of national bank that is e non frontliner employees. Nonprobability
sampling is used of this reseach. The measurement of job satiafaction and turnover
intention variables used likert scale that developed by Rinaldi (2008) and measurement of OCB
variable adopted from Organ (1988). The result of this research has shown that hypotheses one is
rejected and hypotheses two is accepted. Eventually, through this article, an understanding that
job satisfaction does not significantly influence to OCB but job satisfaction has significant influence
to turnover intention.