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dc.description.abstract | Character education is a direct self potensial student right choice and strategy to solve the
moral degradation and multidimensional crisis in this nation. Islamic Intregrated Junior High
School Nur Hidayah Surakarta is one of the school that implement self-potential-based
character education by involving all institution of the family, school, and society. This school
have vision and mission resulting intelligent student character and religious. This study field
research methodologhy found descriptive qualitative approach based character education in
Islamic Intregrated Junior High School (SMP IT) Nur Hidayah begin the input process with
identify the students ability and family background as the basic for internalization
development strategy of values that are developed through all of the school activities program.
Strategy implemented through internalization 10 muwassofat of the Muslem personality through
lesson in the addition material like islamisation, school management and choaching student. In
addition, the evaluation carried out gradually to all elements of a good school teachers, staff,
and students, in the form of test and non-test. Tests carried to evaluate the competence of
students and teachers, while the non-test to evaluate the personality of the teacher and the
student. Family and society environment that is unforable, the absence of relevant and in-depth
evaluation to measure the student's personality, as well as some teachers still weak commitment
to provide exemplary become an obstacle in the implementation of self potensial based
character education. | en_US |