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dc.identifier.citationAgarwal, R., Kharya, M.D., Shrivastava, R. 2006. Antimicrobial and Antihelmintic Activities of The Essential Oil of Nigella sativa linn. Indian J Exp Biol. 17(11): 1264-5 Al-Jabre, S., Al-Akloby, O.M., Al-Qurashi, A.R. 2003. Thymoquinone, an Active Principle of Nigella sativa, Inhibited Aspergillus niger. Pakistan J. Med. Res. 42(3). Abstrak Ardiansyah. 2007. Antimikroba dari Tumbuhan. 09-Antimikroba-dari-Tumbuhan-(Bagian-Kedua).shtml. (3 April 2008) Arifiyah. 2007. Artikel tentang Obat Herbal Alami H a b b a t u s S a u d a ( J i n t a n H i t a m / B l a c k Seed). rful-black-seed-jintan hitam_30.html. (29 Februari 2008) Barieere, S.L., Jacobs, R.A. 1998. Penggunaan Klinik Antimikroba. Dalam: Basic & Clinical Microbiology. Jakarta: EGC: 784 Brooks, G.F., Butel, S., Morse, S.A. 2005. Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's. Edisi 22. Jakarta: Salemba Medika: 357-8 Hashem, F.M., El-Kiey, M.A. 2002. Nigella sativa seeds of Egypt. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(1): 121-33 Hendrik. 2007. Habbatus Sauda', Thibbun Nabawi Dalam Menangani Berbagai Penyakit dan Memelihara Kesehatan Tubuh. Jawa Tengah: Pustaka Al- Ummat: 94-7; 120-1 Dwiprahasto, Iwan. 2005. Kebijakan untuk Meminimalkan Risiko Terjadinya Resistensi Bakteri di Unit Perawatan Intensif Rumah Sakit. JMPK. 8(4): 177 Mashhadian, N.V., Rakhshandeh, H. 2005. Antibacterial and antifungal effects of nigella sativa extracts against S. aureus, P. aureginosa, and C. albicans. Pak J Med Sci 21(1): 47- 52 Morsi, M.N. 2000. Antimicrobial Effect of Crude Extract of Nigella sativa on Multiple Antibiotics-Resistant Bacteria. Acta Microbiologica Polonica 49: 63-74 Randhawa, M.A., Al-Ghamdi, M.S. 2002. A review of pharmacotherapeutic effects of Nigella sativa. Pakistan Medical Research Journal 41: 2 Stern, J.L., Hagerman, A.E., Steinberg, P.D., Mason, P.K. 2000. Phlorotannin-protein interactions. J. Chem. Ecol. 22: 1887- 99. Sufrida, Y., Edi, J. 2006. Sembuhkan Penyakit dengan Habbatus Sauda'. Jakarta: Agro Media Pustaka: 11-5 Toama, M.A., Taha, S., El-Alfy, El-Fatatry, H.M., 2004. Antimicrobial activity of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa Linnaeus Seeds. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy 6(2): 225-6 Tumari, Boimin. 2006. Efektivitas Penggunaan Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) dengan Konsentrasi yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila Secara In Vitro. Seminar Nasional Tahunan III Hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan. UGM. Abstrak Uffe, B., 2007. Structure and Function of Bacteria. (19 Maret 2008)en_US
dc.description.abstractBlack cumin (Nigella sativa) oil contains substances: thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, thymol, and tannin which are considered can inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and parasites, so has an antimicrobial effect. This research is aimed to know the antimicrobial effect of black cumin oil in inhibiting Escherichia coli's growth.This is a laboratoric experimental research using non random consecutive sampling, with local isolate Escherichia coli from Microbiology Laboratory of RSUD Moewardi Surakarta as the subject of the research. Escherichia coli aged 24 hours on a nutrient agar and had standardized with Mc Farland 0,5, spread with sterile rib cotton over Mueller-Hinton gell. An empty filter paper disc as a negative control, 25 µg cotrimoxazol antibiotic disc as a positive control, and a filter paper disc filled with black cumin oil, are placed on the Mueller-Hinton gell plate. The plate is incubated for 1 x 24 hours, then the inhibiting zones is measured. The attempted data were analized with Kruskal-Wallis test. Result of the research shows that in Escherichia coli was formed an inhibiting zone. Kruskal-Wallis analysis shows a significant difference (p < 0,05) between positive control (cotrimoxazol 25 µg) with black cumin oil 50% (8,80 ± 0,75 mm), 75% (10,05 ±1,14 mm), and 100% (12,05±0,83 mm) in concentration. Whereas black cumin oil 25% (0,00 ± 0,00 mm) in concentration and negative control (0,00 ± 0,00 mm) don't show a significant difference (p > 0,05). The conclusion of the research is black cumin (Nigella sativa) oil has an antimicrobial effect to Escherichia coli's growthen_US
dc.subjectNigella sativaen_US
dc.subjectblack cuminen_US
dc.subjectantimicrobial effecten_US
dc.subjectEscherichia colien_US
dc.titleEfek Antimikroba Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa) terhadap Pertumbuhan Escherichia Coli In Vitroen_US

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