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dc.description.abstract | Pour out Coconut oil is common used by people, especially the ground society. It is contain SFA
”Saturated Fatty Acid” about 45,27% and 49,95 % UFA, “Unsaturated Fathty Acid”. SFA easy to get
oksidation reaction. With the drying, oxydation will be quickly, so the damaged of oil is more quick. The
purpose of this study: to get the relation of long time drying with the damage of pour out coconut oil by
peroxide index. This study use native experimental in chemystry laboratorium of Medical Faculty Sebelas
Maret University at January 2006. The damage of pour out coconut oil measured by peroxide index
(quantitative experiment/ Iodometri). The value of analize with simple linear regression by SPSS 12 for
Windows programe. The sample of pour out coconut oil consist before drying, drying about 15 minutes,
20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes, 35 minutes, 40 minutes and after 45 minutes, get the value of
peroxide index about 4,187 mg O2 / 100 gram; 4,856 mg O2 / 100 gram; 5,025 mg O2 / 100 gram; 5,153 mg
O2 / 100 gram; 5,213 mg O2 / 100 gram; 5,401 mg O2 / 100 gram; 6,195 mg O2 / 100 gram; dan 7,043 mg O2
/ 100 gram. The result of the study shown that correlation of r coefficient (0,908) < r table (0,811) or p <
0,05. Conclusion: there is significant correlation between the duration of drying with the damage of pour
out coconut oil. There should be a better more study by the other sample of oil, example : fish oil. | en_US |