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dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Aris
dc.identifier.citationBrune, K., Santoso, B. 1990. Antipyretic analgesic: New Insight. Jogjakarta: Bierkhauser Verlag: 33-8 Craig, C. R., Stitzel, T. E. 1982. Modern Pharmacology. Boston: Little, Brown and Company: 467-72 Diphalma, J. R., Digregorio, G. J. 1986. Basic Pharmacology in Medicine. 3th ed. New York: Mcgraw-hill Publishing Company: 319-20 Katzung, B. G. 1992. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 3th ed. Appleton & Lange A Publishing Division of Prentice- Hill: 268-70, 448-9 Krupp, M. A., Chatton, M. J., 1984. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment. California: Lange: 1-2 Pradhan, S. N. Maickel, R.P. dan Dutta, S. N. 1986. Pharmacology in Medicine: Principles and Practice. SP Press International Inc: 230-2, 295-6 Reidenberg, M. M. 1994. Caffein is an analgetic adjuvant in tension headache. Clin Pharm & Term 56(5): 576-7 Reidenberg, M. M. 1997. Influence of polymorfic nacetyltransferase phenotype the inhibition and induction of acetaminophen bioactivation with long term isoniazid. Clin Pharm & Term 61(1): 24-6 Sartono, 1993. Pengaruh pemberian dosis tunggal parasetamol terhadap komposisi metabolit parasetamol dalam urin tikus jantan malnutrisi. Majalah Kedokteran Diponegoro 30 (3,4): 227-32 Sunaryo, Wilmana. 1995. Farmakologi dan Terapi. Edisi 4. Jakarta: Penerbit FK UI: 224-33en_US
dc.description.abstractParacetamol is derived from paraaminofenol which have light to medium analgesic effect. This medicine often combine with caffeine that can produce analgesic potential by blocking prostaglandin synthesis. Single dose caffeine has vasoconstrictor effect to central blood circulation and vasodilation on peripheral blood circulation. This research was done to find out that the combination of paracetamol with caffein have higher analgesic effect than analgesic effect of paracetamol only. This research used 30 mouses which age between 2-3 months and 25-30 gram body weights, to prove that caffeine can make analgesic effect stronger than paracetamol only. Before intervention, subject was treated to find the average critical point for painful sense, about 43.5°C. After that, subject was treated by homogenity treatment and by devided to 2 random group. Group I were injected by paracetamol by intraperitoneal method which have dose 1.30mg/10g.BW. The second group were injected by the combination from paracetamol with caffeine with each dose each is 1.30mg/10g.BW.and 0.52mg/20g.BW. by intraperitoneal method. Than mouses were put into hot plate and observed how many times they starled in every 5 minutes periode. This research result is: average amount the mouses strarled for group I is 68.867 and this result is higher than average amount the mouses strarled for group II which only 51.933. With t test we can find out that t empirical (to=3.787) this number is bigger than t theorical or t table with significantly 1% (tt=2.756). From this statistic we can find out that average amount the mouses strarled for group II is lower than group I and it's significantly different. According to this research, it can be concluded that analgesic effect of the combination paracetamol with caffeine is higher than analgesic effect paracetamol only.en_US
dc.subjectanalgesic effecten_US
dc.titlePerbandingan Efek Analgesik antara Parasetamol dengan Kombinasi Parasetamol dan Kafein pada Menciten_US

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