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dc.contributor.authorSari, Dwi Rosella Komala
dc.identifier.citationAlmatsier, S. 2002. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama : Jakarta Basile and Borgia. 1996. Lipoprotein in Heart Desease Perfussion. Giada, Baldo, Enzi, Baiocchi, Zulliani, Vitale and Fellia. 1991. Specialized Physical Training Programs ;Effects on Serum Lipoprotein Cholesterol,Apoprotein A-1 and B and Lipolytic Enzymes Activities : J.Sports Med. Phys. Fitness. Guyton and Hall. 1996. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadhelphia : W.B.Saunders Co. Hendromartono. 2009. Bridging The Gap in Dislipidemia. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital – Airlangga University School of Medicine, Surabaya Sunday, 25 January 2009 14:15 Yoga Buana. file?file=digital/125516-S09130fk...Bilbiografi.pdf. Diakses : 25 Januari 2010. Jansen. 2001. Exercise Physiology. Lactate Threshold Trining, Philadhelphia : W.B.Saunders Co. Kraemer dan Shen, J., 2002. Lipids and Lipid Metabolism in the Body. Hormone- Sensitive Lipase. Division of Endocrinology.Department of Medicine.Stanford University. Stanford. CAVeterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System. Palo Alto.CA. Journal of Lipid Research. Kusumoto. 1995. Cardiovascular desease. In. Mc Phee,S.J.Laingappa. V.R. Ganong. W.F. and Large, J.D. eds. Pathophysiology of Desease. 1sted : Prentice-Hall Int.Inc Conecticutt Manuaba, dan Gede, IB., 2008. Mamahami Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita. Arcan: Jakarta Mitchell. 1998. The Physician and Sports Medicine. Controlling Blood Lipids: part I. A Practical Role For Diet and Exercise. New York : McGraw Hill Co Pollock & Wilmore. 1990. Exercise in Health and Desease Evaluation and Prescription for Preventionand Rehabilitation, 2nd. Philadelphia : Ed. Sounders. Soekarno, W., Kushartanti, B.M.W & Nurhadi, M. 1996. Dasar Latihan Senam Aerobik. Fakultas Pendidikan Olah Raga dan Kesehatan IKIP Yogyakarta Szafran & Smielak-Korombel. 1998. The Role oh Estrogens in Hormoal Regulations of Lipid Metabolismin Women. Przegl. Lek Varady, J., and Peter., 2002. Combination Diet and Exercise Intervenstion For The Treatment of Dyslipidemia. An Effective Primanari Strategy To Lower Chlesterol. School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University. Ste Anne de Bellevue.QC.Canada. Diakses:l 22 April 2010 Wilmore and Costill. 1994. Physiology Exercise. Physiology Heart rates and Pulse Palpitation as A Means of Determining ExerciseIntensity in An Aerobic Dance Class. Phyladhlephia : Sports Med.en_US
dc.description.abstractProfil lipid can show normal or abnormal. Abnormal of lipid profil is called dyslipidemia.Dyslipidemia is a disease where there is deviation fat content of one or more of lipid profil and often of menopausal woman. This is because the role of the hormones estrogen decreases the activation of the enzyme Lipoprotein Lipase and Hormone-sensitive Lipase so fat katabolism decreased. The reduced aktivation of enzyme LPL and HSL hormone will cause increasing of total cholesterol, lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL), trigliseride (TG) and decreased levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). A form of aerobic exercise can improve dyslipidemia. Aerobic Gymnastics can reactivate the enzyme LPL and HSL hormone in capillary walls and muscles that will help improve fat katabolism. In this study, 34 respondents provided a low-intensity aerobic exercise at 65% MHR of 60 minutes durations and 34 respondents provided moderate intensity aerobic exercise 75% MHR of 60 minutus duration. Exercise performed 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Data taken before doing aerobic exercises (pre test) and 6 weeks later (post test). Cholesterol, LDL, TG and HDL obtained by blood sampling and examination in the cliniclaboratory.Type of research is quasi experiment with pre and post test design two groups design. Parametric statistical analysis using Paired Sample t-test with SPSS for windows, shows that there is influence of lowand moderate intensity aerobic exercise against dyslipidemia of menopausal woman with p values of each count (0.0001<0.05). Followed by the Independent Sample ttest with the results of any difference between the effect of low anda moderate intensity aerobic exercise. In the Low Density Lipoprotein by calculating p value (0.032 <0.05) and the value trigliseride with p value (0.006 <0.05). And there is no difference between the effect of low and moderate intensity aerobic exercise and being in total cholesterol values with p value (0.938> 0.005) and the High Density Lipoprotein by p value (0.079> 0.05). This research is expected to be further research to improve dyslipidemia of menopausal woman.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectLow and Moderate Intensity of Aerobic Exerciseen_US
dc.subjectMenopausal Womanen_US
dc.titlePerbedaan Senam Aerobik Intensitas Ringan dan Sedang terhadap Perbaikan Dislipidemia pada Wanita Menopauseen_US

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