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dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Winarsih Nur
dc.contributor.authorIrdawati, Irdawati
dc.contributor.authorNuryanti, Vivin Dwi
dc.identifier.citationAwodele, O., Adeyomoye, A.A.A.A., Awodele D.F., Kwashi, U., Awodele, I.O., and Dolupo, D.C., 2011. Study on Cervical Cancer Screening amongst Nurses in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos Nigeria, J Canc Educ. Bakheit.M.N., and Haroon,A.I.B., 2004. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pap Smear among Lacal School Teachers in The Skarjah District, Midlle East Juornal of Family Medicine, Vol 4 Bourne, A.P., Charles, C.A.D., Francis, C.E., South-Bourne, N., and Peters, R., 2010. Perception, Attitude and Practices of Women towards Pelvic Examination and Pap Smear in Jamaica North America. Journal of Medicine Sciences, 2(10) Dinkes Propinsi Jawa Tengah. 2005. Profil Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2003. Diakses dari http://www. Dinkesjateng. org/profil 2005 / bab4.htm. Diakses : 23 November 2010. DKK Sukoharjo, 2009a. Laporan Data Kasus Penyakit Tidak Menular di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Kabupaten Sukoharjo. DKK Sukoharjo, 2009b. Laporan Data Jumlah Kasus Dx / Golongan Umur Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Emilia, O., 2010. Bebas Ancaman Kanker Serviks (Fakta, Pencegahan, dan Penanganan Dini terhadap Serangan Kanker Serviks). Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo. Notoatmodjo, S., 2003. Pendidikan dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta Oon, S.W., Shuib,R., Ali, S.H., Hussain, N, H, N., Shaaban, J., and Yusoff, H.M., 2010. Knowledge and Attitude among Women and Men in Decision Making on Pap Smear Screening in Kelantan Malaysia, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Prawiroharjo, S,. 2006. Onkologi Ginekologi, Edisi 1 dalam. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka. Popadiuk,C., and Francis,P., 2002. Pap Smear‘s : a Rreview of What‘s New. The New Canadian Journal of CME. Saslow, D., Runowicz, C.D., Solomon, D., Moscicki, A., Smith, R.A., Eyre, J.H, and Cohen, C., 2011. American Cancer Society Guideline for The Early Detection of Cervical Neoplasia and Cancer. Ca on line American Cancer, Ca Cancer Journal. Sirait, A.M., Soetiarto, F., dan Oemiarti, R., 2003. Ketahanan hidup penderita kanker serviks di rumah sakit kanker dharmais Jakarta, Buletin. Peneletian Kesehatan 31(1) Wong, L.P., Wong, Y.L., Low, W.Y., Khoo, E.M., and Shuib, R., 2008. Cervical Cancer Screening Attitude and Beliefs of Malaysian Women who Have Never Had a Pap Smears: a Qualitative Study, International Juornal of Behavioral Medicine, 15 : 289-292.en_US
dc.description.abstractCancer cervix (Ca cervix) is the second most common incidence and mortality rate in the world. The incidence of women with Ca cervix is 493.243 people/year and the mortality rate of this disease is 273.505 people/year. In developing countries, Ca cervix is the most leading cause of mortality because of cancer in women of reproductive age, which is almost 80% of cases. Among developing countries, Indonesia become the first rank with the incidence is 15.050 cases/year and the mortality is 7.566 people/year. In Central Java in 2004, there are 79.42 cases/ year and in 2005 there are 2.076 cases (19.70%) per year. The total case of Ca cervic in all of Primary Health Care and Hospital in Sukoharjo District in 2009 is 136 cases. The high rate of mortality and morbidity of Ca cervix usually was found in the late stage because of the low awareness of early detection with pap smear. To determine factors associated with women who not taking pap smear testin Kartosuro, Sukoharjo District. Design of the study was cros sectional with quantitative survey. Sampling method using proportionate stratified random sampling and the number of respondents were 220. Instruments of the study were questionnaire and checklist. Data were analyzed using bivariat technique with Rank Sperman Test. Majority of respondents was 20-35 years old (61.8%), highest education was high school (41.4%), and the number of children was 2-5 (66.8%). The percentage of respondents with high knowledge was 70.9% and low knowledge was 29.1%, good attitude 90.9% and less attitude was 9.1%. The majority of level of socio economic status of respondents was level II of prosperous which was 44.1 %, and the perception of respondents which was categorized pap smear as high cost was 55%, average cost was 40.9%, and low cost was 4.1%. Analysis bivariat of variables associated with behaviour of not taking pap smear test were knowledge (p:0,004), attitude (p: 0,15), level of education (p:0,017), level of socio economic (p:0,002), and perception of cost (p:0,018). The efforts of increasing the successful of Ca cervix screening with pap smear test needs to consider the increasing of knowledge, attitude, behaviour, cosioeconomic level, and cost affordabilityen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectCa Cervixen_US
dc.titleFaktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Wanita Tidak Periksa Pap Smear di Kecamatan Kartasura Sukoharjoen_US

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