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dc.contributor.authorDasuki, M. Shoim
dc.contributor.authorRisanty, Nurina
dc.identifier.citationBray, G.A., Macdiarmid. 2000. The Epidemic of Obesity. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Eastwood. 2003. Principles of Human Nutrition. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Ganong, William F. 2002. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Jakarta: EGC. Guyton, A.C., Hall, J.E. 1997. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Jakarta: EGC. Gybney, M.J., Vorster, H.H., Kok, F.J. 2002. Introduction to Human Nutrition. Oxford: Blackwell Science Hardjito, L. 2006. Prosiding Kitin and Kitosan. Bogor: IPB. Hirano, K. 1996. Kitosan. Jepang: Sukito. Horton, R., Moran, L.A. 2002. Principles of Biochemistry. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Koolman, J., Rohm, K.H. 2000. Atlas Berwarna dan Teks Biokimia. Jakarta: Hipokrates. Linder, M.C. 1998. Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme dengan Pemakaian Secara Klinis. Jakarta: UI-Press. Manjang, S. 1993. Limbah Udang. Jogjakarta: PT. Dian Rakyat. Marieb, E. 1998. Human Anatomy and Physiology. 4th ed. California: Benjamin Science Publishing. Marks, D.B. Dan Marks, A.D. 2000. Biokimia Kedokteran Dasar: Sebuah Pendekatan Klinis. Jakarta: EGC. Mayes, P. 2003. Biokimia Harper. Jakarta: EGC. Murti, D. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian. Jogjakarta: UGM press. Muzarelli, R.A.A. 2000. Chitin and Chitinase. Oxford: Pergamon press. Nammi, U., Kristianto, Hamid. 2004. Hidup Sehat di Era Millenium. Surakarta: Media Press. Olefsky, J.M. 1999. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine. Boston: McGraw Hill. Pittler, M.H. 1998. Dietary Suplement for Body-Weight Reduction. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Rismana, U. 2001. Potensi Kitosan Di Berbagai Bidang. Surakarta. Karya Tulis Mahasiswa UMS. Schiller, P., John E., Petter A. 2001. The Potention of Shrimp Shell. Boston: Science Press. Sediaoetama, A.D. 2000. Ilmu Gizi I. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat. Sheperd, R., Reader, S. 1997. Chitosan Funtional Properties. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Silvani, M.D., Imam Prayitno, dan Ambar Sulistyawan. 2006. Potensi Kitosan sebagai Produk Olahan Limbah Industri Udang di Bidang Kesehatan. Surakarta. Karya Tulis Mahasiswa UMS. Sodeman. 1995. Potofisiologi Kedokteran. Jakarta: EGC. Wardlaw, G., Smith, A.M. 2006. Contemporary Nutrition. Boston: McGraw Hill.en_US
dc.description.abstractChitosan is a natural compound (aminopolysaccharide) earned through a process deacetylation base on chitin derived from processed shrimp white skin, are non-toxic, biodegradable, and have power fastening fat is higher than other fibers, so capable of preventing absorption body fat. This study aims to determine the effect chitosan to the triglyceride plasma level of white mouse. This study is laboratory experimental. The sample consists of a negative control group, positive control group (Simvastatin), chitosan dose of 3500 mg, 4500 mg, and 5500 mg group. The results showed that positive control group with all the variations dose chitosan is not different (ñ>0.05), whereas the negative control treatment with all groups is different (ñ<0.05). The conclusion, chitosan is able to decrease the triglyceride plasma level of white mouse (Rattus norvegicus) in second week. The effective dose is the 3500 mg.en_US
dc.subjectplasma of white mouse (Rattus norvegicus)en_US
dc.titlePengaruh Kitosan Olahan Kulit Udang Putih terhadap Penurunan Kadar Trigliserida Plasma Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)en_US

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