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dc.contributor.authorBudiyati, Eni
dc.contributor.authorMundriyastutik, Yayuk
dc.identifier.citationAnonim. 2009. Gas Encyclopedia. May 2, 2012. Brades, Adi Candra dan Tobing, Febrina Setyawati. 2011. Pembutan Briket Arang dari Eceng gondok (Eichornia crasipess Solm) dengan sagu sebagai pengikat. BriketArang_-Dari-Enceng-Gondok-Eichornia-Crasipess-Solm. March 7, 2012. Chanakya, H.N., Borgaonkar, S., Meena, G dan Jagadish, K.S. 1993. Solid Phase Biogas Production with Garbage or Water Hyacinth. Bioresource Technology Vol. 46 227–231 Elsevier Ltd. Ghosh, S., M.P. Henry dan Christopher, R.W.. 1984. Hemicellulose Conversion by Anaerobic Digestion, Institute of Gas Technology dan United Gas Pipe Line Company., USA, Biomassa Vol. 6. 257-258. Hadi,N. 1980. Bio sebagai Gas Bahan Bakar. Lemoigas Cepu. Hambali, E., Mujdalipah, S., Tambunan, A.H., Pattiwiri, A.W., Hendroko, R.. 2007. Teknologi Bioenergi. PT. Agromedia Pustaka: Jakarta. Ihwan. 2003., Alternatif Ketika BBM Menipis. April 10, 2012. Kaltschmitt, Martin and Hartmann Hans (Hrsg). 2001. Energie aus Biomasse. Springer Verlag. Berlin. Kristoferson L.A., and Bokalders V.. 1991. Renewable Energy Technologies-Their Application Developing Countries. ITDG Publishing. Malik, A.. 2006. Environmental Challenge Vis a Vis Opportunity: The Case of Water Hyacinth. Environment International Vol.33.122–138 Elsevier Ltd. Paimin. 2001. Alat Pembuat Biogas Dari Drum. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. Polprasert, C. 1989. Organic Waste Recycling. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Purnama, C.. 2009. Penelitian Pembuatan Prototipe Pengolahan Limbah Menjadi Biogas, April 14, 2012. Soemarto. 2011. Pemanfaatan gulma eceng gondok sebagai bahan baku biogas., April 2012 Suyitno., Nizam, M., Dharmanto. 2010., Pembuatan, Operasional, dan Pemanfaatan, Edisi Pertama. Yogyakarta. Graha Ilmu. Wellinger, A., Lindberg, A.. 2001. Biogas Upgrading and Utilisation. IEA Bioenergy. Widodo, T.K., Ahmad, A., Ana N. Dan Elita, R. 2006. Rekayasa dan Pengujian Reaktor Biogas Skala Kelompok Tani Ternak. Jurnal Enjiniring Pertanian Vol. IV. No 1 Xin Zhang, Ai-Jun Lin, Fang-Jie Zhao, Guo-Zhong Xu, Gui-Lan Duan, Yong-Guan Zhu. 2005. Arsenic accumulation by the aquatic fern Azolla: Comparison of arsenate uptake, speciation and efflux by A. caroliniana. Environmental Pollution. Volume 156. Issue 3. December 2008. 1149-1155en_US
dc.description.abstractWater hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) is one type of crop or weeds that normally live in the water, floating in the water, and develop shallow roots in the mud. This plant can grow exponentially, giving rise to many problems. Water hyacinth biogas has the potential to be made because it has C/N ratio of 25. Biogas is an alternative energy that is obtained from the fermentation of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria assistance so as to produce a mixture of methane (50-75%), carbon dioxide (25-45%), and some hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide. In this study the materials used are water hyacinth and water. This study aims to determine the effect of the fermentation time and the additional volume of water in biogas production. Result of research shows that the highest biogas is obtained at volume ratio of 1:3 (water hyacinth to water) within 5 weeks of fermentation as much as 44.562 mL. It can be concluded that adding more volume of water will increase the biogas produced.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectwater hyacinthen_US
dc.titleEffects of Fermentation Time and Additional Volume of Water in Biogas Production Processen_US

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