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dc.description.abstract | Efforts to use bulbs gembili has not been much done and deliver economic
value added for the villagers. Though gembili, a crop that has a high nutritional
value. Therefore the aim is to empower community service and provide the knowledge
and skills to apply appropriate technologies gembili bulbs into nutritious food and
have high economic value in the group of PKK members in the village Jatisari. Methods
pelaksanaandan dedication results in the form of: a). counseling in the form of
socialization related to appropriate technology in urban Jatisari bulbs gembili Sambi
Boyolali district attended by mothers and fathers PKK Jatisari village leader, followed
by reviewing the activity area fields Jatisari villagers who have fields gembili b). The
next activity is the application of appropriate technology training gembili bulbs into
nutritious food and high economic value, appropriate technology training gembili
bulbs including: manufacturing krobi (croquette gembili), tabi (tape gembili), Talbi
(gembili trays), and kripibi (chips gembili) and c). monitoring activities carried out
by evaluating the activities that have been carried out by the PKK by providing advice
on business opportunities from the household scale creations bulbs gembili processed
products. Based on the results and discussion obtained show conclusively that the
simple application of appropriate technology in bulbs gembili a healthy and nutritious
diet high in group PKK Jatisari village and runs fine. | in_ID |