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dc.contributor.authorSupriyono, Heru
dc.contributor.authorWidjaya, Jisnu Adi
dc.contributor.authorSupardi, Agus
dc.identifier.citationAstawa, I Nyoman Gede Arya; Atmaja, I Made Ari Dwi Suta. 2012. “Implementasi Vpn Pada Jaringan Komputer Kampus Politeknik Negeri Bali”, Jurnal Matrix Vol.2, No.1. Ghozali, Afif, 2010. Pembatasan Akses Jaringan Vpn Dengan Iptables, Skripsi, Universitas Narotama, Surabaya Stiawan, Deris; Palupi; Rini Dian. 2009. “Optimalisasi Interkoneksi VPN Dengan Menggunakan Hardware Based Dan Iix (Indonesia Internet Exchange) Sebagai Alternatif Jaringan Skala Luas (Wan)”, Jurnal Ilmiah Generic vol 4, No.1. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. 2003. Computer Networks Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0- 13-066102-3 ——————, Pengertian VPN dan Fungsinya, online: http://, online tanggal 1 Juni 2013 dan tanggal 18 April 2014in_ID
dc.description.abstractPT. Mega Tirta Alami is a company engaged in the production and distribution of pured bottled drinking water with the brand “AXOGY”. This is a fast growing company and now it has 42 branches in major cities spread throughout the island of Java, Sumatra and Bali. Currently, PT. Mega Tirta Alami using electronic mail (email) to transmit company’s important data including financial data. By using email, the data are transmitted throughout public communication network and is vulnerable to various security threat. This problem could be solved by using a virtual private network (VPN) as data transmission channel. This paper discusses design and implementation of VPN for PT Mega Tirta alami which connect the head office to two the branch offices: Branch-1 (Bandung) and Branch-2 (Bekasi). The VPN was implemented using point to point tunneling protocol (PPTP) by using three Mikrotik routers. There is only few changes in the computer network configuration to minimize both implementation cost and time. Prior to make any data communication to the head office, user in Branch-1 or Branch-2 must provide username and password as part of verification and validation process. The newly developed VPN was tested on various technical aspects to ensure its reliability and operability. The test results showed that the VPN connected between from head office to Branch-1 and from head office to Branch-2. To maintain the security, the direct connection between Branch-1 and Branch-2 via developed VPN is strictly forbidden.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectvirtual private networkin_ID
dc.titlePenerapan Jaringan Virtual Private Network untuk Keamanan Komunikasi Data Bagi PT. Mega Tirta Alamiin_ID

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