Dampak Konflik Peran Ganda terhadap Kinerja Wanita Berperan Ganda
Harmony family is the dreams and hopes of all people. But unfortunately not everyone can make it
happen. Most of them, including a career woman, only up to a dream and expect it. Unbalance role of a
woman with dual role, resulting dual role conflicts. If the conflict can not be overcome with good, then the
domestic harmony and performance will be reduced. This study aims to determine the effect of conflict of
multiple roles on women with multi roles toward job performance. The sample in this research is a lecturer at
the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, there are 75 respondents. Sampling techniques in the study was
purposive sampling and convenience sampling. Results obtained from test hypotheses H0 was rejected so that
there is a significant influence of a dual role conflict of women's dual role on job performance. Effective
contribution dual role conflict variables on the performance of a dual roles women is 53.5% in R2 of 0.535
shown. This can mean there are still 46.5% of other factors that affect the performance of women's dual role.
From the description above, it can be concluded that there was a significant negative relationship between
role conflict on the performance of women's double double play, meaning the lower the dual role conflict
experienced, the better the performance. Conversely, the higher the multiple roles that conflict dilami the
worse its performance