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dc.contributor.authorPurnomo, Didit
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to formulate strategies for achieving food security in central migrant. Through the use of reinforcement cropland and strengthening institutional empowerment, strengthening the model formulated cropland and empowerment of migrant communities in the bag, which in turn can realize the achievement of food security. The experiment was conducted with the survey approach. Areas of research conducted in the Winton district is an area of research migran.Responden pockets are farmers who are members of farmer groups and have a family that is being migrated. The technique used in this study is in-depth interview, rapid rural appraisal, as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis (mixed method) to achieve results consistent with the objectives of the study. Activities carried out in several stages, the first, held in the beginning of the survey sample to obtain preliminary data on the characteristics and conditions of cropland in the study area; Secondly, map the potential and the role of community empowerment (village); The next phase of analysis and evaluation based on the findings in the field. The results or outputs from this research can provide enrichment to the front of the model of cropland strengthening and empowerment for farmers (farmer groups) through public institutions (village). In addition, with the strengthening of the model, able to make independent changes to society, especially in realizing the achievement of food security in central migrant.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectfood securityin_ID
dc.subjectcommunity empowermentin_ID
dc.titleModel Penguatan Lahan Tanaman Pangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyrakat di Daerah Kantong Migranin_ID
dc.typeTechnical Reportin_ID

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