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dc.contributor.authorSuhelmi, Ifan R
dc.contributor.authorFahrudin, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorTriwibowo, Ferdinand Hariyanto
dc.identifier.citation[IPCC] Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change (2007) Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis Summary for Policy Makers. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change. Paris: IPCC February 2007. press_room/climate_change/media/4th_spm2feb07.pdf Khasanah N, Lusiana B, Farida, Noordwijk M van (2004) Simulasi Limpasan Permukaan dan Kehilangan Tanah Pada Berbagai umur Kebun Kopi: Studi di Sumberjaya Lampung Barat. Agrivita. Vol. 26 (1):81-89. Lubis, Joessair (2011) Peduli Lingkungan, Peduli Tata Ruang. Sumber: asp?id=320 Marfai MA, King L (2008) Tidal inundation mapping under enhanced land subsidence in Semarang, Central Java Indonesia. Nat Hazard. Vol. 44 : 93–109 content/u02m33804127h626/ Suhelmi, IR (2011) Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Keruangan untuk Analisis Kerentanan Pesisir Akibat Kenaikan Muka Air Laut dan Amblesan Tanah di Semarang. Disertasi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor Surminski Swenja, Ana Lopez, Joern Birkmann, Torsten Welle (2012)Current knowledge on relevant methodologies and data requirements as well as lessons learned and gaps identified at different levels, in assessing the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.UNFCCC expert meeting on assessing theriskof lossand damage associated with theadverseeffects of climate change Tokyo 24-26 March 2012.Sumber: loss_and_damage/items/6597.php Suroso, Susanto HA. 2006. Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Debit Banjir Daerah Aliran Sungai Banjaran. Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Vol. 3 (2):75-80. Universitas Pelita Harapan. http:// Ward PJ, MA Marfai, F Yulianto,DR Hizbaron, JCJHAerts(2011)Coastal inundationanddamage exposure estimation: acasestudyforJakartaNatHazards(2011)56:899–916 DOI10.1007/s11069-010-9599-1 World Bank. (2009) Berinvestasi untuk Indonesia yang Lebih Berkelanjutan. Sumber: http://wwww d s . w o r l d b a n k . o r g / e x t e r n a l / d e f a u l t / W D S C o n t e n t S e r v e r / W D S P / I B / 2 0 0 9 / 1 1 / 1 9 / 000333038_20091119000502/Rendered/PDF/507620v20Revis1box0info10CEA1bahasa.pdfin_ID
dc.description.abstractCoastal city of Semarang is susceptible to the impact of coastal hazard due to its flat topographic condition. Various environmental problems are faced by Semarang involve tidal inundation, land subsidence, and floods during rainy season. This study was conducted to examine the potential economic losses caused by the sea level rise phenomenon. Distribution of inundated area mapped using Digital Elevation Model and Land Subsidence data. The Scenarios of International Panel on Climate Change (2007) sea level rises used to build a model of inundated area that notes by 2030 the rise of sea level rise at 13.4 cm. The inundated map was overlayed with landuse map to calculate the potential economic losses. The results show that the inundated area that occurred in 2030 was 1,718.2 ha with the potential economic losses Rp. 6,130 trillion. With the land subsidence scenario that happen at the area, inundated area increased to 5,171.3 ha with the eonomic potential loss about Rp. 28,724 trillion.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectsea level risein_ID
dc.subjectland subsidencein_ID
dc.subjectpotensial lossesin_ID
dc.subjectkenaikan muka air lautin_ID
dc.subjectpenurunan tanahin_ID
dc.subjectpotensi kerugianin_ID
dc.titlePotential Economic Losses Due to Tidal Inundation and Flood at Semarang Cityin_ID

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