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dc.contributor.authorGomez, Christopher
dc.identifier.citationAnonimus, 2003. Monografi Desa Purwoharjo, Kecamatan Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Tahun 2003. Chambers, R., 1983. Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa: Mulai dari Belakang. LP3ES. Donie, S., 2006. Masyarakat Yang Tinggal Di Daerah Rawan Longsor: Interpretasi, Penyebab dan Strategi Adaptasi. Thesis, Universitas Gajahmada, Yogyakarta. Hindaryoen, N., 2000. Kondisi Lingkungan Kian Rapuh: Dari Musibah Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Jawa Tengah. Kompas 20-11-2000. Hirnawan, F., 1994. Pemahaman Sistem Dinamis Kestabilan Lereng untuk Mitigasi Kebencanaan Longsor. Disampaikan pada Simposium Nasional Mitigasi Bencana Alam di UGM 16-17 September 1994. Kartiwati, D., 2003. Ditemukan 13 Lokasi Baru Rawan Longsor di Purworejo. Harian Kompas, Desember 2003.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe present contribution is by no means a first attempt at considering the ethics in human activities, interactions in disaster impacted areas, but it is more the case of looking at 'international research' that present a very particular difficulty for ethics: the notion of trans-boundary, multi-dimensional idea of one group not really belonging within another, but which will perform functions inside this second group and eventually alter, modify some of the original organs. This paper explain the reflections of the ethical consideration of international research collaboration in disaster impacted areas which are emerged from the experiences in Indonesia, New Zealand and Japan.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectinternational research collaborationin_ID
dc.subjectkolaborasi penelitian internasionalin_ID
dc.titleConceptual Reflections on Ethics for International Research Collaborations in Disaster Impacted Areas from the Experiences in Indonesia, New Zealand and Japanin_ID

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