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dc.contributor.authorNgalim, Abdul
dc.identifier.citationBrooks, Cleanth dan Warren Robert Penn, 1979. Understanding Fictien, Thirth Edition. New York: Appletion Century Crofts. De Haan, J.V. dan Bierens, 1972. Sosiologi. Terjemahan Adnan Sjamni, Djakarta: Jajasan Pembangunan. Hutagalung, M.S. 1968. Djalan Tak Ada Mochtar Lubis. Jakarta : Gunng Agung Kridalaksana, Harimurti (Pemred). 2005. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Balai Pustaka. Locke, Louis, 1976. Introduction to Literature. New York-Chicago, San Francisco- Toronto: Holt, Richard and Winston. Ngalim, Abdul. 1977. “Kumpulan Cerpen Nugroho Notosusanto dan Hubungannya dengan Pendi- dikan. Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Surakarta Sebelas maret. _________________“Gaya Bahasa Cerpen Karya Nugroho Notosusanto (Sebuah Tinjauan A- presiatif “ Mibas, No. 11, Th. IV, 1993. Halaman 43. Notosusanto, Nugroho. 1966. Hudjan Kepagian. Tjetakan III. Djakarta: Balai Pustaka. __________________, 2004. Hujan Kepagian. Cetakan XX. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. ( Prosser, Michael; Martin, Elaine, Trigwell, Kkeith, Ramsden, Paul; dan Lueckenhausen, Gillian, 2005.Academics Experiences of Understanding of Their Subject Matter and Relationship of This to Their Experiences of Teaching and Learning.Instructional Science, 2005. P.137. Yassin, H.B. 1965. Analisa Sorotan Atas Tjerita Pendek. Djakarta: Gunung Agungin_ID
dc.description.abstractThis article has three aims. (1) To disdribe analysis of storyline short story "Senyum" in the short story collection Hujan Kepagian works Notosusanto Nugroho. (2) To describe short story characterization "Senyum" in the short story collection Hujan Kepagian works Notosusanto Nugroho. (3) To describe theme of the short story "Senyum" in the short story collection Hujan Kepagian works Notosusanto Nugroho., This type of research literature (liberary research). Data collection techniques to refer to note. Source data, short stories Smile, a collection of short stories too early works Nugroho Notosusanto Rain. Analysis techniques: content analysis (content analysize). In addition, it also uses the method of analysis hermeneutics (interpretation). The results of this study there were three aims. (1) the story telling, short stories using the form flashback (flash back). nalyticallyJudging from the structure type story short story "Senyum" including the type of "intricate". tensions arising from the conflict which has scope extensive. (2) From the structure of the story is also apparent conflict between the main characters themselves with objects in the surrounding environment, the main character himself with his family situation, the main character himself with the enemy. (3) In the case of "fable time" structure of the story seems to indicate sharpness Nugroho view events-events stretched character of the protagonist is a brave hero, stoic, and honest. In this case comes with the nature of ideal types (ideal type), which is willing to sacrifice body and soul so that young people enjoy, the independence of the educational process. Educational outcomes are expected to contribute to efforts to create welfare of the nationin_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Cerpen “Senyum” dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Hujan Kepagian Karya Nugroho Notosusanto (Sebuah Alternatif Materi Pembelajaran Sastra)in_ID

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