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dc.contributor.authorWurianto, Arif Budi
dc.identifier.citationAksana, Andrei. 2010. Lelaki Terindah. Novel. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Budi Wurianto, Arif. 2012. Subject Matter “Liyan” dalam Nobvel Indonesia Kontemporer. Yogykarata: Prosiding HISKI. Barker, Chris. 2005. Cultural Studies. Teori dan Praktik. Yogyakarta : Bentang. Efendy, Rudy. 2013. Jakarta Love Story Apakah Benar Cinta Bisa Memilih Novel. . Yogyakarta: Diva Press. Suryakusuma, Julia, 2007. Fragmentasi Kehidupan Gender dan Kebangsaan dalam Sastra Indonesia era Reformasi. Jurnal Susastra V. Jakarta: Hiski-Yayasan Obor.oyomukti, Nurani. 2012. Sastra Perlawanan. Malang :Beranda. Storey. John, 2003, Teori Budaya dan teori Budaya Pop. Yogyakarta: Qalam. Tilaar, HAR.2011. Pedagogik Kritis. Bandung: Rieka Cipta. Wirianto Putra, Rangga. 2012. The Sweet Sins. Novel. Yogyakarta : Diva Press.in_ID
dc.description.abstractPublishing novels in the latest decades in quantity very rapidly. The positive thing is the image of the creative industries literature is getting better, but that is must be addressed in control of the content Popular novels published in significant quantities in the publishing industry, but it y it would be a paradox between freedom of expression in literature and literature as a means of education. Therefore there has been a shift in values and the message of humanism in the creation of literature, especially in the latest publication of the novel. This study discusses the position of queer novel thematically gives a message / mandate of the human values of humanism that "marginalized" socially, but limited to academic readers and not be learning literature for reasons of ethics and morals. Data source research are the latest two popular novels of Jakarta Love Story (Rudy Effendy, 2013; 480 pages), published Diva Press and novel Lelaki Terindah (Andrei Aksana, 2010; 219 pages), published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama. A review of the novel is giving humanism message about the importance of education in the growth of children, respect pluralism, and the other side of human life. The method used descriptive. Analysis using sociological literature approach with emphasis on the findings of the theme of the story. Significant findings in this discussion is the question of freedom shift in literary value and acceptability of education on the themes of controversy and how the strategy for character education. Queer novel that still has limitations school readers and literary readingsin_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectValues Humanismin_ID
dc.subjectCharacter Educationin_ID
dc.subjectCreative Industriesin_ID
dc.titlePergeseran Nilai dan Pesan Humanisme Sastra Penerbitan Novel Mutakhir (Studi Terhadap Novel Queer)in_ID

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