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dc.description.abstract | The Twenty Minutes is a novel that created by Oka Aurora which telling the holy war marching band team from Bontang Pupuk Kaltim which experience physical constraints and other can be a champion in Grand Prix Marching Band national level. This is unique fact which must inspect. The problem focus in this research is what the spirit expresses from wise values inside this novel; all at once inspected it in the Islamic perspective of education. There is the purpose is to dig up the wise values in this novel and inspected it in the Islamic perspective of education. The observation method which used is descriptive and comparative. That data analyzed for get conclusion from any phenomenon. The result of research is the novel 12 minutes contain several wise value which suitable be example for real life, such as sprit, get up, learn, train, united, totality, obstinately, ikhtiyar, patient, and tawakkal. In Islamic seen, this novel is very relevant to the study and Islamic spirit, because Islam teach some wise value like truth, raced in goodness, assembling, be honest and right, obedient the rules and always keep it tight the intention in goodness and achievement. This research recommendation in order to this 12 minutes novel can be motivation and inspiration for all society to take the wisdom and example from this inspiration scene. | in_ID |