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dc.contributor.authorFaizah, Umi
dc.identifier.citationArikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Posedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Yogyakata: Rineka Cipta. Damono, Sapardi Djoko. 2010. Sosiologi Sastra Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. Ginanjar. 2012. Pengantar Ringkas Teori Sastra.Yogyakarta:Media Perkasa. Muslich, Masnur. Pendidikan Karakter Menjawab Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.2005. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Pess. Setiyono, Junaedi. 2014. Dasamuka.Yogyakarta: Elmatera. Wellek, Rene dan Austin Warren. 1995. Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta: Gramediain_ID
dc.description.abstractNovel titled Dasamuka the story of a Scotsman named Willem bloody adventure in Java to help Mr. Leden who are researching about Bronjong. Figure life is tinged with the life of the mysterious figure named Danar who nicknamed Dasamuka. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the depiction of social life in the novel Dasamuka Junaedi Setiyono and educational value of the character in the novel. The theme of Dasamuka is about the history of Javanese ruler named Sultan Jarot or Sultan Hamengkubuwono to IV are arbitrarily against people, for example Bronjong terrible punishment and his penchant to play women who shattered the peace Dasamuka. The method in this study using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques form. Sociological study of literature, in this paper scope is limited to the study of sociology literature discussed in this Dasamuka novel among other aspects of love, aspects of the economy, kinship aspects, aspects of morality, and educational aspects. Educational value of the existing character in the novel is a brave soul, the value of honesty, the value of responsibility, the value of responsibility, tolerance, democracy, nationalism and social care values are imaged by the main character is Dasamuka and Willem.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectNovel titled Dasamukain_ID
dc.subjectEducational value of the characterin_ID
dc.subjectSocial valuein_ID
dc.titleKajian Sosiologi Sastra dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Novel Dasamuka Karya Junaedi Setiyonoin_ID

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