Model Kebijakan Pengolahan Pertambangan Emas Tradisional di Desa Jendi Kecamatan Selogiri Kabupaten Wonogiri
Living well is the right of every person, to realize that it takes an effort of which to
mine. Mining was done without regard to the environmental aspects will lead to a
contamination. Pollution caused by the disposal of waste products will affect the
ecosystem around it, including the contamination of water resources is a primary human
need. To prevent the pollution of the mining activities should be regulated by the
legislation of laws, government regulations, and local regulations (Perda), as well as the
head of the local district decision. This research findings in the field showed the absence
of a decision Wonogiri district governing mining, so The mining operations only use
legislation of laws, government regulations, and local regulations. As for other forms of
deviance that exists is the miner in Jendi Village District Selogiri, Wonogiri no one has
had a mining permit, acquiescence by government mining rules relation with circuitry. In
addition to the above regulations also need to be made model manage by taking into
account the social aspects of indigenous locals or traditional gold miners, so it does not
threaten the survival of miners and water pollution can be minimized.