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dc.contributor.authorPurbohastuti, Arum Wahyuni
dc.identifier.citationAhmad Jamal. et. al. 2009. Investigating the Effects of Service Quality Dimensions and Expertise On Loyalty. European Journal of Marketing. Vol.43 Iss;3 pp .398-420. Alex Wang. 2011. The Effects of Firms’Advertising Disclosures as a Reflection of CSR Parctices On Consumer Responses. Social Responsibility Journal. Vol.7 Iss;4, pp.592-603. Barnes. AJ. 2011. Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Effects On Brand Trust. Auckland University of Technology Business Scholl. 127 pages. 2006. Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility on Marketing Performance : A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Services Research. 205-216. 2005. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In Asia. Business and Society. Vol. 44 No.4. 2001. The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance : The Role of Brand Loyality. Journal of Marketing. Vol.65. April. Pp. 81-93 Day.G.S. 1969. A Two Dimensional Concept on Brand Loyality. Journal of Advertising research. Vol.9.No.3.pp.29-35. 1994. Customer Loyalty :Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.Vol.22.No.2.pp.99.113. Ferdinand A. 2005. Structural Equation Modeling dalam Penelitian Manajemen. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang. Gefan.D. 2002. Customer Loyalty In E-Commerce. Journal of the Association of Information Systems.3.27-51. Ghozali.I. 2008. Konsep dan Aplikasi dengan Program AMOS 16.0. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. 2005. Corporate Responsibility : Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Wiley. Hoboken. New Jersey. 2008. Principles of Marketing. 12th ed. Pearson Education. Upper Saddle River.NJ 2003. Essential of Management. Fourth Edition. New York. USA :Mcgraw-Hill Book. Kwok T.Y. 2007. The Effect of Customer Trust on Customer Loyalty and repurcahse Intention : The Moderating Influence of Preceived CSR. Hongkong Baptist University. Hongkong. 75 pg 119 Menakar Masa Depan Profesi Memasuki MEA 2015 ISSN 2460-0784 Menuju Era Crypto Economic Syariah Paperin_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research generally aims to develop previous research by adding customer satisfaction and transform the quality of service with confidence as a variable interplay between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the attitude of customer loyalty and customer loyalty behavior. The study was conducted on consumers Aqua in Purwokerto. The number of respondents is 100 people. Sampling using acidental sampling. Analysis tools using structural equation modeling. The calculations show three of the eight hypothesis is accepted. Of the three hypotheses were received of which are positive and significant correlation with behavioral loyalty. There are five hypotheses were rejected, including CSR is not significantly related to customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction was not significantly related to the attitude of loyalty, CSR was not significantly associated with behavioral loyalty, CSR is not significantly related to the attitude of loyalty. Future research can be done on other companies do CSR. In addition, research needs to be done on other variables that may affect the loyalty such as product quality, the quantity of advertising, and reasonableness of price.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectSikap Loyalitasin_ID
dc.subjectPerilaku Loyalitasin_ID
dc.subjectKepuasan Konsumenin_ID
dc.subjectRasa Percaya Konsumenin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Persepsian terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Aqua di Purwokertoin_ID

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