Tinjauan Literatur terhadap Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Siste Pengukuran Kinerja
Now a day, organizations are increasingly finding themselves in a more dynamic
operational environment of scarce resources, as a result, many organizations are more focused
and become more competitive through the concentration and organizational improvement
initiatives (Keatley and Haken, 2014). One of the techniques and critical approach of the
improvement initiative is performance measurement (The Organisation for Economic Cooperation
Development (OECD))which has experienced an increase in both the focus and the practical
application of the academy of business and government. Although scientific research has been
done in the design, implementation, use, and continuous improvement of the Performance
Measurement System (PMS), most of the literature reporting the use of a less than optimal results
or, in some cases, a failure in the application and implementation of PMS primarily measuring
performance based on the Balanced Scorecard (Mike Bourne and Neely, 2003). In recent decades,
research on the application and implementation of the PMS has identified many factors that
determine the success and failure in an attempt to increase the likelihood that the full benefits of
the performance measurement system will be realized. Rules and regulations regarding
government performance measurement continue to be made to enhance Presidential Instruction
number 7 (Indonesia, 1999) regarding the performance accountability of government agencies
and program preparation Accountability Report Government Performance (LAKIP) by the
Institute of Administration (Indonesia State, 1999). This paper seeks to explore the factors
identified in the PMS implementation of some of the literature in a systematic way, and trying to
deduce which factors can be applied appropriately and wisely in the government organization that
eventually leads to a healthy governance (good government govermance).