Analisis Struktur Modal pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia Pada Tahun 2011 – 2013
This study aimed to analyze the influence of asset structure, rate of growth, profitability,
company size and business risk to capital structure in Syariah banks in Indonesia. The sample
used in this study were 10 Syariah banks registered in Indonesia and selected by purposive
sampling. The data used in this study is a secondary form of financial statements of each bank
2011-2013. The independent variable in this study is the structure of assets, the rate of growth,
profitability, company size, business risk and the dependent variable in this study is the capital
structure. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing using t
test and F, and the coefficient of determination (R ²). In partial results of research conducted
showed that the only variable asset structure, rate of growth, profitability, size of the company
having a significant effect on the capital structure, while the business risk variables do not
significantly affect the capital structure and the results of the F test analysis found that the
variable asset structure, the rate of growth, profitability, company size and business risks together
significantly influence the capital structure.