Pengujiankesuksesan Sistem Teknologi Informasi Delone dan Mclean yang Diperbarui pada Sisteme- Payment Rekening Listrik
The purpose of this study is to validate the e-payment system based on the updated
DeLone and McLean IS success model in electricity account e-payment. Establishing a success
model of a specific information system is critical to understand the various dimensions of IS
performance, the factors and their causal relations in IS success. A questionnaire instrument was
remitted to e-payment users, and 102 completed questionnaires were retrieved. Using AMOS 21.0,
we used Structural Equation Modeling for hypothesis testing. The asumption evaluation show that
data is not distributed normally according to multivariate and there is a perfect multikolinearity,
so we use bayesian to estimate the path coefficient.The bayesian estimation results show that the 2
hypothesis supported even 6 hyphothesis unsupported. System quality has no impact to intention to
use and user satisfaction. Information quality has positive impact to user satisfaction, but not to
intention to use. User satisfaction and intention to use has no impact reciprocally. User
satisfaction has positive significant impact to individual benefit, even though intention to use has
no impact to individual benefit.