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dc.contributor.authorSetyawan, Didik
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Debora Antika
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dc.description.abstractImplementation of information system in the pharmacy inventory RSUD Dr. Moewardi still raises problems especially problems in using behavior of information systems. This study tries to reveal behavior using of information systems in the pharmacy inventory RSUD Dr. Moewardi through aspects perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to influence the actual usage of information system. This study using quantitative research methods to test causality between perceived enjoyment, perceived usefullness, perceived ease of use to actual usage information system. The place of the study RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Size of samples are 100 respondents. Hypothesis tested use SEM analysis and result of the study were confrimed by interviews. The result of data analysis there are significant influence between perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness; there are significat influence between perceived enjoyment and perceived ease of use. There side analysis found no significant influence between perceived usefulness and actual using of information system; there are no significant influence between perceived ease of use and usage of information system; there are no significant influence of perceived enjoyment and usage information system.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectPerceived Enjoymentin_ID
dc.subjectPerceived Usefullnessin_ID
dc.subjectPerceived Ease of usein_ID
dc.subjectActual Usage Information Systemsin_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Persediaan Farmasi di RSUD DR. MOEWARDIin_ID

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