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dc.contributor.authorSujono, Tanti Azizah
dc.contributor.authorKartikasari, Ratna
dc.contributor.authorQuntari, Laily Ieda
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dc.description.abstractEmpirically Murbei leaves are used to treat diseases such as hypercholesterolemia. Murbei leaves contain quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside) and rutin which shows a strong inhibitory effect on LDL oxidation. This study aimed to verify the effect of the ethanol extract of murbei leaves in lowering total cholesterol in hyperlipidemic rats and the effect of combination extract murbei with simvastatin to the hypocholesterolemic effect of simvastatin. Twenty four Wistar male rats were divided into 6 groups randomly, group I-VI were given high fat diet and PTU to induce hypercholesterolemia. Group I as positive control was treated simvastatin 3.6 mg/kgbw, group II as a negative control was given CMC Na, group III-V were given ethanol extract of murbei leaves orally at a dose of 0.4; 0.6; and 0.8 g/kgbw respectively, group VI was treated a combination of murbei extract 0.4 g/kg with simvastatin. Total cholesterol was measured using a spectrophotometer visible (λ = 500 nm) with CHOD-PAP method as many as 3 times, i.e on day 0 (baseline), 14 days after induced hypercholesterol-emia with PTU and high-fat-diet and 14 days after treatment of murbei extract with still be given PTU and a high-fat diet. The results showed that murbei leaves extract dose 0.4; 0.6 and 0.8 g/kg were able to reduce total cholesterol with percent decrease in cholesterol levels by 32.94 ± 10.07; 40.17 ± 4.61 and 45.71 ± 4.27% respectively. Ethanol extract of murbei 0.4 g/kg can increase hypocholesterolemic effect of simvastatin when used in combination (p< 0.05).in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectMurbei (Morus alba L)in_ID
dc.subjectantihypercholesterolemic effectin_ID
dc.subjecthigh fat dietin_ID
dc.titleAntihypercholesterolemic Effect of Murbei (Morus alba L.) Leaves and Its Combination with Simvastatin in Rats Induced by Propyltiouracil and High Fat Dietin_ID

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    Current Breakthrough in Pharmacy Materials and Analyses

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